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Everything posted by Baltimorewx

  1. I made Jamaica my back yard for 6 days. I was surprised that I had a period of absolutely no rain the first week of November. Typically in those tropical climates you at least see a couple downpours thru the course of a week but nope. Unfortunately nothing here back home really stood out for me that I can remember.
  2. I used to have some pretty interesting conversations with him years back. It started pretty civil, I would always tell him how he's wrong. At first, he didnt take much offense and just kind of explained himself but then it took a turn to insulting me and making an odd assumption that I failed Meteorology school at Millersville because I got into a fight with my teacher LOL...he eventually blocked me and thats all she wrote. He's an arrogant jerk for sure, but I will give him credit that he knows how to use social media and marketing to make a living as a "social media meteorologist".
  3. big time storm at 336 but it cuts west lol imagine that
  4. Yeah, maybe a nice sign, but id imagine that pesky low is still going to wreak havoc on the surface temps but lets get a storm and let the chips fall
  5. september. So i missed out on these storms....unless I could sense them from the womb
  6. Yeah, like I said I went for one semester (for Meteorology) I stayed in housing too, was lucky enough to have a bathroom in my dorm. Just didnt work out for me, I have a degree in Geography but not Meteo
  7. Ok good...Im assuming you went to Millersville perhaps? So did I, but only for one semester
  8. 1987 was the year I was born....so theres that. Multiple great things came from that year
  9. Sorry but I didnt get your point? To clarify, Im a Ravens fan. I was just asking what game he was rooting for, I believe hes from PA no? Thought he might be a Steelers fan, I know the Ravens play the Browns. Sorry for the confusion
  10. I suppose but also, 60F is pretty close by to our forum if not in our forum a couple days next week...Not a complete torch but meh. The weather pattern is really boring the next 7-10 days though
  11. I have so much dandruff right now from this dry air that itll surely be a white christmas in my household
  12. Who ya rooting for? Ravens or Steelers
  13. Obviously ice formation works best the lower the temp. Just because the air temp is freezing (32) doesnt mean the objects out there are (pavement, decks, rails etc)
  14. Yep! Looks that way for most of the country...looks like a whiskey and stogie in my future!
  15. You're not gonna see anything at BWI...i bet it has since sublimated/melted like here in east Balt County
  16. Not much here at all on the east side of Baltimore County...under a half inch. If you werent up between 4am-6am you didnt see any snow anyway, it was sleet/rain by 7am. A lot left to be desired here in my book. Schools closed though which I think is pretty funny but hey we know how they operate in this sue happy world
  17. I understand that, Im just saying, I would be surprised if there were issues on the roads
  18. I guess since the criteria is so low during rush hour but i would be pretty surprised if metro/95 areas saw any pavement accum
  19. Nams are usually dry...they are only super wet with big storms/coastals Shouldnt they pick up on frontal wave synoptics though or no?
  20. The 3K is even worse....man, the NAMs not wet? What is the world coming to
  21. NAM has about a 2 hour period of snow but man is it dry.
  22. But wheres the precip? Lol...I guess things will blossom some but hardly anything thru 39
  23. Is Wednesday not a similar setup to what happened a couple weeks ago (cant remeber exact date) but models were showing a wave on the front and snow and it did not materialize that way...I just dont buy these frontal wave snows that often.
  24. We know how that plays out though...may we see some white rain? possible. But the chances of accum are slim to none in that kind of set up in my opinion. NW winds usually dry things out enough before cold enough
  25. The weather pattern looks rather boring for the rest of November to me, no? Looks like average maybe even some above average temps with not much in the signifcant storm department
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