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About Baltimorewx

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  1. Where in Baltimore are you again? I’ve had some good sleet in Dundalk, mixed with snow at times but no good snow yet
  2. It’s coming. Once it all fills in, it should come down good for an hour or 2
  3. Give it another hour or so. Yeah we ain’t gonna get 3+ inches but it should still come down good for a bit and whiten Everything up
  4. Definitely a north and west event. Tough for the 95 corridor. So close but so far. I still expect to see a burst of snow here but I don’t think I’ll attain much more than 1”
  5. The stuff out near Charleston I think is what should continue to build and make for a fun couple of hours later regardless of temps. May not get the accums we were hoping for but I think most of us will see asteroids later on
  6. Considering I have no idea where or when it’s been discussed, nah im good. Sorry, I just think its dumb
  7. Why has it basically become standard to post Kuchera ratios in here? Just post 10:1 and let everyone figure out if their area might get a better or worse ratio. I’d rather see 10:1 so I know what the QPF output is rather than a goofy algorithm that tries to predict ratios on a number of factors…
  8. Hmmm…TT did not have the 3K looking quite like that at hour 60 so that’s why I said what I said haha
  9. Is that sarcasm? Doesn’t look decent to me…
  10. Looks like two of them are really skewing the mean to me…
  11. That is a hell of a misleading scale though lol typically dark green is like .5-.75 precip
  12. Here in Dundalk, from about 630am to 9am was pretty cool. But outside of that, it’s been light snow, pixie dust or now just snain
  13. Lull continues here in Dundalk lol…maybe it’s some warm nose right here.
  14. Not here in Dundalk. It’s interesting, I’ve been lulled basically since 930. I don’t see anything falling now. So maybe some sketchy things going on with radar truth
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