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Everything posted by UnitedWx

  1. Thank you. It's so amusing the bridge jumpers at the first sign of no immediate flakes. Following the weather in southern New England for the last 43 years I've learned anything that falls before Christmas is a total bonus. It has been somewhat different the last so many years, but that's not the norm. It is an awesome landscape out there to enjoy right now...I think I'll take the long way home from work for the scenery.
  2. Certainly not marginal compared to the weekend...
  3. Sniffing distance yes, but be careful...could be the turd in the punch bowl that we're smelling
  4. Was thinking the same. If the threat is still there Sunday evening while I'm sipping an adult beverage.. then I'll get excited
  5. CMC is a fairly long duration, strung out system. Looks nice...but they tend to consolidate like the ICON
  6. For what its worth, CMC looks interesting for the 17th-18th. As others have said looks like a timeframe to be watched
  7. Quite different if you're talking an automatic standby
  8. He may need to get creative in sourcing parts...we have here in CT! I've even ordered parts on the "A" site for twice the price because of impatient customers. Can't blame them
  9. Well now,, next you'll be asking whats the ETA on the LFM...hahaha. Seriously though I'd love to know how it compares. Isn't there a site to use for that?
  10. I think the paranormal GFS was showing something similar
  11. Funny you mention that Thanksgiving storm. We were on the Cape in Truro for Thanksgiving. (was James around then?) I remember waking up and hearing a prediction for a dusting to an inch or two. All through the day the forecasters couldn't keep up...we ended up with 17 inches! It was so surreal seeing as before that we had only been to the cape in the summer. And the april '82 I was 12 and babysitting our neighbors house. First adult responsibility and I locked the keys in the house. I trudged through 18 inches of snow and found an unlocked window to sneak in!
  12. It's happening James! OES on the Cape this morning
  13. Just heard about this on the way in, be careful everyone. Clear over here in the valley
  14. IIRC..and I probably don't, weren't there several systems that looked to be rain days out but the -AO helped keep just enough cold air in place? I need to find my old snowplowing logbook, its all in there
  15. So true. As a kid of 8, the blizzard of 78 was the storm that focused my interest in weather.. then had to live through most of the 80s
  16. Just got back to the shop in Simsbury, 36.8° and sloppy gloppy snow mixing in the last 30 minutes. Going to take the long way home to Westfield through Granville hoping to see more changeover
  17. Thank you! Neversource is significantly understaffed even compared to cl&p days
  18. Would you look at that lol! Doesn't that kind of fit with what Tip and others were talking about yesterday that some banding and dynamics could be somewhat more west than shown on the clowns? Be interesting to watch for sure. So not ready for snow at work...too many generators on backorder
  19. Right, thats what I was thinking. Also P type informed by rate of precip. And as I type this, we've switched to snow
  20. Still all rain in Simsbury. Think I'm going for a drive up the hill to chase some flakes
  21. Different world in Simsbury vs Westfield right now. 37 here with barely a mangled flake compared to a few miles north. It was snowing quite well in Granville
  22. Snow just starting to mix in Westfield MA. 34° Going to take the longer way to work through Granville down to the shop in Simsbury
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