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Everything posted by UnitedWx

  1. Some fine Booze flowing at lunch today, but it does show a Ray jackpot and he's famous for stealing those in recent years
  2. And IMO why we've had some damn decent storms in early March... at least March's of yore
  3. Where do you guys find the A.I.? I've been avoiding it, but maybe it's worth a peek
  4. My gut isn't warm and fuzzy about the weekend working out in SNE. We'll see
  5. Has me at the tip of the bullseye for Mass... I'll sell that for now!
  6. Euro has showed several "significant" warmups that haven't happened. Can't remember if GFS did because every run is a craps shoot past 5 days
  7. Well non stabilized approach, you're ALWAYS supposed to go around. I don't want to fly with those pilots!
  8. That's currently my gut feeling as well
  9. Thanks! Just broke 20 inches in Westfield with this last system 20.75" so far
  10. No, but really nothing has. For me it's GFS sniffing something at day 4, and seeing if the Euro starts to get a clue at day 2. Looking much farther than that has been useless as tits on a bull this season
  11. Considering the setup with these two, for now I'd toss that as FAR as you can off the Tobin! We need positive trends to see anything like that
  12. For sure, I'd like to start seeing some positive trends for both systems. This has the look of a couple inches to mix to slop for SNE right now
  13. Hasn't it been showing that on and off the last couple days? It's sad, but I never really even look at the Euro anymore until within two days of an event
  14. 6Z GFS looking at little better for Sunday compared to last night. Still work to do
  15. Well doesn't that sound familiar...
  16. Seems to be a common theme with this model this season
  17. After the morning band came through I'm at 5 for the storm in Westfield
  18. Certainly wouldn't seem like a bust if some had stayed with the more logical forecast of 4 to 8 inches. Snow forecasts from Wednesday/Thursday were spot on... I never saw this area snowing all night with the speed this was moving. With this last band coming through in Westfield it should make my total 5.5 inches when done
  19. Another half inch down from this band, but looks like it's almost done
  20. Freezing drizzle changing back to snow in Westfield
  21. Actually looks like we lost some accumulation to the freezing drizzle happening. Didn't expthat here. Looks like it will turn back to flurries in a bit
  22. Some seem disappointed down my way, but technically we're in the 4 to 8 range that I felt was the logical forecast here. Someone in CT expected this system to snow to 9am...
  23. About the same here in Westfield 4.25"
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