No, but really nothing has. For me it's GFS sniffing something at day 4, and seeing if the Euro starts to get a clue at day 2. Looking much farther than that has been useless as tits on a bull this season
Hasn't it been showing that on and off the last couple days? It's sad, but I never really even look at the Euro anymore until within two days of an event
Certainly wouldn't seem like a bust if some had stayed with the more logical forecast of 4 to 8 inches. Snow forecasts from Wednesday/Thursday were spot on... I never saw this area snowing all night with the speed this was moving. With this last band coming through in Westfield it should make my total 5.5 inches when done
Actually looks like we lost some accumulation to the freezing drizzle happening. Didn't expthat here. Looks like it will turn back to flurries in a bit
Some seem disappointed down my way, but technically we're in the 4 to 8 range that I felt was the logical forecast here. Someone in CT expected this system to snow to 9am...