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Everything posted by UnitedWx

  1. Just tell her... ain't happening James! The confused look should let you escape the conversation for a time
  2. Sounds like punishment of the worst kind!
  3. Can't say that for sure yet either, but I get where you're coming from. It's all about phasing, and we sure won't have a good idea on that for probably 4 more days
  4. My buddy didn't plow his route in Simsbury yesterday because he's always worried about people bitching it wasn't enough to plow... now they're bitching because they have frozen slush glaciers in the driveways. I told him he should have done the route...
  5. I could walk on top of the snow at home this morning. It is a brick right now, about 6 inches OTG in Westfield. Not going anywhere easily
  6. It's a shame what's happened to the Euro, but I still look at it because it seems to get a clue once we're a day or two out. The UK is... interesting at times. Sometimes it's comic relief and others it's a decent piece of guidance
  7. Mmmmm yeah never been a fan of the NAM. I rarely look at it anymore
  8. Yeah, MAYBE close to 4 if you're lucky
  9. 6... I just don't feel that for this one yet for CT Maybe Pike north. Lets see what 12Z shows
  10. Certainly is! Driveway covered with this squall
  11. Mark me safe from being in love with it! It certainly hasn't been any better than any other guidance we have! Squall in Simsbury at the moment, driveway quickly covered. Buddy says it's a whiteout coming down the hill from Colebrook
  12. For a split second I thought Ted Cruz was doing the weather!
  13. I'm in Simsbury right now, haven't looked at radar EDIT yeah that must be it
  14. Currier and Ives paying a visit to my office this A.M. fat flakes
  15. Nice to see the 20th still in play this A.M. Now, can we still have that showing Monday afternoon??
  16. I worked 33 days straight. I'm an electrician. All i did was work, and somehow came out on the short end when it came to how much we actually took in. I was off the deep end after that, I was actually ready to hang it up and pursue something else... kind of like now. Burnout is a very real phenomenon
  17. Definitely. And just a couple miles to my west up in Blandford or Granville is a weenie wonderland compared to here. Blandford had almost 4 times more snow than here last season
  18. Was JUST going to post the same thing!
  19. Like I said a few days ago, tomorrow is Valentine's Day
  20. Comparing weather apps to the NWS info is apples and oranges. Even though i chuck the NWS far these days, they're still USUALLY far better. As far as I'm concerned no self respecting weather enthusiast/weenie etc. should ever use an app aside from the comic value
  21. Yikes! I can't go anywhere near that shit if I want to breath. Total poison. They're the candles of the fast food world... like McDs!
  22. I'm out and about running some errands for work this morning in Simsbury. Still only 30° at my office. The evergreens are starting to scream with this freezing drizzle and all the snow caked on them
  23. LOL. Some good trends, but we need to see what happens with all of today's runs, and even the overnights coming up tonight before we get too excited.
  24. What will save some pack in parts of this area today will be keeping the clouds. Looks like it should stay cloudy much of the day. Plus ground temp quite cold, big plus. Last night had the driveway covered within 15 minutes of when the snow started falling.
  25. Out this way I don't think so. A couple hours in the 40s (maybe) with clouds, and two layers of sleet and freezing rain in the current pack. It's got some staying power, super dense stuff
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