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Everything posted by UnitedWx

  1. This right here is why I'm thankful to have other hobbies and a robust (read that busy, pain in the ass) work life... balance, whatever that is LOL. It's healthy to have other distractions
  2. Certainly is! When we get done with some of the exterior accent lighting at a couple of my customers houses, the neighbors are going to be asking "Are we at the airport Clark?"
  3. Suits me. We still have a couple exterior lighting projects to wrap up
  4. Realistically, I would wait until right around the Christmas/New Years time frame for a meaningful change back to what we've had recently. With any luck climo would favor a more wintry look at that time
  5. Just had that here at the shop, tree snapped right over the "rails to trails" path Thought it was the plow guy dropping the blade for a second
  6. It's really dumping mashed potatoes in Simsbury
  7. This last band looks like it could drop another inch. 2.75 inches in Simsbury on average
  8. I'm curious to see how much there is at the shop in Simsbury when I get in. One of my men has a snow plow room and I'm curious if he will be out and about or not
  9. It's picked up quite a bit here in the last few, will make a nice drive to work
  10. 2.5 inches in Westfield. Very light snow falling
  11. Down to 32 in Westfield, snow started sticking a half hour ago. Light snow Edit: Moderate now
  12. That one i could absolutely do without! As an electrician I've never worked so many days straight... and in the end wondering why there wasn't really cash coming in. Not near enough snow to justify me enjoying it. I'd take a '78 again in a heartbeat. Lots of snow OTG prior to the storm, and one of the windiest snowstorm i can remember
  13. I would almost kill to experience an 1888. It’s a system that's fascinated me since I was a child
  14. 33 and light snow in Westfield the last half hour. Went from 35 to 33 as soon as snow started
  15. Well according to what i have they were mostly quite a bit below average. And now this isn't my guide as to what was a bad winter, however 1984 through 1988 in Suffield I had a total of five snow days. One of them was for a storm that never even made it to us, IIRC it just grazed Southern Connecticut.
  16. I had to live through winters of the 1980s which make this little stretch were in now look like nothing. If I remember correct without looking at notes the only two Winters that weren't terrible where 1982 and 1987. It wasn't until the table swung in winter in 1992/93 that we started getting appreciable Winters again. This stuff happens. Look back decades prior to that and you can see the same thing
  17. 1037 Main Street Quebec... dispensary address maybe? Anyway that'd be a nice high location for sure. At least it seems to keep things somewhat interesting
  18. I shouldn't butt in here, but I will... sorry Will. IDK why some can't see why he's barking at some comments here. Yes, there's always been fun and sarcastic commenting during trying times. However these days the weenies abound. There used to be limits on how much garbage someone could talk before the clamp down... not anymore. I guess I should try the ignore button also. I really hate to do that hoping some will learn but
  19. So do I. You try to give everyone a chance and hope they learn... but it seems useless with some. And you've got to love when you get a weenie from a weenie LOfnL
  20. Well yeah 99 out of 100 is a stretch, but it's far closer to that than not. I've been following the weather in this area since 1977. In general there's not much snow in December even where I grew up up in Granby which generally has far more snow than you do in The Fringe season time frame. If you look at the average for Bradley for December snowfall many times if we did get any it was the last week of the month or so. All I'm saying is expecting early December to be full on winter month with accumulating snows is not typical and not logical for this general area.
  21. Even on YouTube, you need to be at 200K plus subscribers to be making anything significant. A friend in NH has a mechanical repair channel and does really well, but at least it's an educational content unlike these fake Mets
  22. These YT "forecasters" are such BS... and yet even people who SHOULD know better can't help looking. My best friend used to send me links asking "what do you think about this" Had to tell him to stop, he gets mad I won't even look for a minute LOL.
  23. I figured I'd come here to troll as well, since enough of these stupid posts permeate the regular threads anyway... Are you new to this area?? 99 times out of 100 (generalizing) we don't have any appreciable snow especially Bradley area south until at least Christmas. At least you put this here instead of the more learned thread
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