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Everything posted by UnitedWx

  1. Still a long ways out. I'm not starting to buy anything either way until Wednesday. Gut says we get something... but how scientific is that
  2. I remember most of those... especially "rain changing to snow" .... PTSD from the 80s
  3. I've been around since about 2005 and I STILL don't have any clue what most of them are... drives me nuts, we need a guide
  4. That isn't the issue here. The flow is being slowed/crushed by the pattern currently
  5. You know I've met many guys that are around my father's age that are just always constipated and cranky. A couple liters of prune juice would probably make the world look far more Rosy
  6. Well yeah I see your point there to a point haha. Some posters say that understanding they're just looking for a better pattern. I do agree however there are those here that are far too emotionally driven. Having other Hobbies winters like this is a godsend
  7. 6 and 18z thing was put to bed a long time ago. I don't know why certain people keep bringing that up. It's just another calculation. Go back and look at the last 3 weeks and you'll see that some of the so-called on our runs were the ones with the wacky Solutions
  8. Is this a repost of a quote from 15 years ago? That has long been dispelled
  9. How is saying we need a quicker phase wish casting? There are SO many comments on here that are, but as discussion about what has to happen isn't. I should have you on ignore by now... but I'll just say you're an ass attm
  10. At this point, the OP is an ensemble. It's still a ways away, but at least it's something to track
  11. Yes, but if you're moving from out of state, Research would show that there's FAR better areas in SNE than the Hartford proper area! Even in great years you do far better elsewhere. I was shooting for Blandford, but as good as the other half would accept is Westfield. Been decent here, but has been far better up the hill
  12. I hear you and agree, although I think my concern is actually having a storm as wound up as depicted. Nice to see other support this morning for sure
  13. That's not what he meant. He was referencing future runs possibilities
  14. Oh no doubt, or a miss south/less amped. We have many more days to go before I put any real stock in it. I do however feel like we're due to get our share this season
  15. And the latest GFS says here's our storm again...
  16. NOT an expert... but understanding some of what you question, yes it is likely to improve. But, computations are only as good as the input data. What did someone just say about stating the obvious We need better/ more input data for a better result
  17. It funny, but as much as we bitch about the last few seasons, and mull the impact of CC etc... I hear from more and more people who welcome it with wide open arms. My husband is one of them... has dreams of growing palm trees in Mass in 20 years I've even seen articles from other countries where they welcome the warming... Drives me crazy
  18. I wouldn't get your hopes up... but it also isn't something to toss yet either. Confluence is a funny thing. I have seen times when we're supposed to be blocked and get hit (and vice versa)
  19. Yup. Going to need a lot more than that to saturate with the confluence
  20. I have a few friends who are therapists. The way they talk about all the damage they're seeing almost sounds like what drug counselors deal with
  21. Basically right there with you. I do have FB, mostly to keep up with family and the antique car and radio/TV crowd. The strange backless dress girls i don't know friend requests get deleted immediately. Social media is so entirely over rated and over used
  22. Looks like i may get just the tip in Westfield...
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