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Everything posted by UnitedWx

  1. Been looking that way for a while
  2. Quickly moving! Already done and brightening... and cooling
  3. Rain to snow squall with heavy winds and some thunder! I don't remember seeing anything quite like this
  4. Norlt even a dusting in Westfield, just some flakes on the windshield
  5. Nothing in Westfield. A friend says some really light stuff in Granville
  6. So they're falling in line with the ICON?? I'm scared
  7. 12Z GFS looks pretty paltry for tonight's Clipper to my untrained eyes, especially MA CT border south
  8. I very much disagree with this statement, we have had more than our share in March in SNE... but sure by then you aren't looking to build anything in this area just pad stats (whatever those are )
  9. Coming down quick at home in Westfield, ground coated up within 2 minutes
  10. Looks like there could be a couple chances this morning in N.CT and parts of Mass
  11. 33 here. Amazing how mild it feels after the last several weeks. Waiting on flurries...
  12. Sorry, I've been referring to myself as old, and I turn 55 in March Weird age.. some days I feel 18... and some well, 78 lol. I hope to have 20 more years in me when I'm 78
  13. He may have been triggered by the mention of TV mets... some of us have about as much use for many of them as we do a weather app forecast... present company here excluded! So much rip and read flung far and wide FTL
  14. What the hell, I'll bite. I mean it'll be nice to refresh the few inches we have left in my area, even if just for a short time. We'll see how the weekend system (s?) evolve afterwards
  15. Lots of this in the 80s. Like I said earlier, if you're younger than 35-40 you've been spoiled by some great winters and missed some terrible ones
  16. I wish! Still NOT warm working outside this A.M. Needs a couple more hours to work
  17. I've found it almost comical the run to run inconsistency with the GFS this season. Don't like what it shows... wait four hours for an entirely different solution. Seems worse than ever recently?
  18. I think many of us that are older did see this coming... weather we wanted to admit it or not. Some of the weenie issues here tell me that some are less than say 35-40 years old and grew up in a very, VERY spoiled era of winter weather in SNE
  19. This is true. The GFS was about as Northwest as the guidance went and the Euro slowly shifted north. In the end they kind of met in the middle, however in some ways it seemed the GFS had more of the right idea sooner
  20. Absolutely not... lets just hope something still shows Wednesday. To me the clipper looked a little better this run as well... a little
  21. 17° here this A.M. pretty bally compared to recently
  22. Yikes, talk about being bent over forwards and backwards at the same time! That bill is going to be insane
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