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Everything posted by UnitedWx

  1. State must be buying it, they were our striping the roads with treatment this morning...
  2. Very nice! Lets hope next season is as good, I'm deep into planning a return to the sport
  3. Gusting hard in Simsbury the last half hour.
  4. Suits me! The RAM needs a serious detail! Just turned 200K so things have been building up
  5. Pretty much! At least out my way last summer was totally bearable compared to the previous couple. Honestly at this point I'm done with winter and full on ready for spring. Let's get some Tstorms in here
  6. Doo Doo you mean. Tip toe through the previously frozen dog crap season is here!
  7. Well like 3 hours, but yeah our yard is interesting how the north side always loses the pack first completely and the backyard will still have near full coverage. All the rain dissolved the front yard snow into a pond in no time
  8. The fog was impressive on my way in to work this morning!
  9. Need to get some ducks... Back yard still nearly 100 percent snow covered
  10. 2.1 inches in Westfield. Absolutely flooded the side yard and driveway.
  11. 52 here in Westfield. Pack will be dissolving rapidly with these temps and downpours
  12. He's probably referencing his dating life... Moregarbage
  13. Was down to 8 in Westfield this A.M. Honestly, I'm done with these temps once we hit March
  14. 29 in Simsbury, LOTS of black ice coming in through Granby and Southwick. No trucks in site surprisingly
  15. Uncanny is how many middle fingers Mom Nature has flipped us this year
  16. You know... I drive a big Ram pickup as well....
  17. 45 degrees in Simsbury already. Suits me fine today, we're working in a horse barn
  18. LOL! I am, and tend to have his political leanings... so ANYTHING could be true
  19. I was going to say, that should be my line... but the door can always open wide
  20. Just hit 51 here in Simsbury even with total cloud cover. Still 100 percent snow cover, but pack is disappearing quick!
  21. Yeah I'll take just this side of hot days and 48 to 52° nights all day in august! Great way to extend the best outdoor season known as fall, unless you're a snowmobiler of course
  22. Not disagreeing with what you say, but unless I'm remembering incorrectly ( and that could be a distinct possibility) last summer did not seem terrible at least as far as temps compared to the few before. For me I still think summer 2018 was THE worst as far as combination of extended heat along with high dews. It could be simply because it was a memorable summer for me preparing for my wedding in September, however the weather just seemed terrible and broke just in time for our outdoor wedding. Only time in my life I've ever felt the effects of heat stroke or whatever you call it. Feeling dizzy and shaking uncontrollably... It Came Upon me out of nowhere. NOT a fun experience
  23. Not sure which one is the lesser of two evils. I guess monsoon because I'd rather have green
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