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About UnitedWx

  • Birthday 03/22/1970

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Westfield, MA / Simsbury, CT
  • Interests
    Weather... and vintage Volkswagens

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  1. Yeah unfortunately right now it looks like dried doggie doo, but keep an eye on the following week. Probably our last chance in SNE, but I'd bet that you'll likely be sledding til April in NNE.
  2. I mentioned how I can feel the sun the last couple days, but I really don't think the winter WX is over yet. If any March in recent years has a chance at anything I believe this is it... but probably not next week
  3. Ouch! Yeah I've had both rotators done...NOT a fun recovery! I'm going in for a check after 10 years because we think my bone spurs are coming back. Need to nip those before they cut again
  4. What brand? Several years ago we tried burning strictly pellets but it was just impossible. We ended up spending more money in pellets than we would have in gas. It is an old house and we've been slowly improving the insulation I'm sure that has quite a bit to do with it.
  5. Starting to look like that. I've felt the first vestiges of it the last two days in the truck.
  6. Here in Westfield we have our own gas and electric grid. Cheaper than you know who. 2000 sq.ft. Our electricity last month was $135, but nat. gas was $300. Not bad at all compared to our neighbors, but still expensive compared to a couple years ago. Summer electric isn't bad even with A/C. We have to A/C because of our Chinchillas... great pet to get if you love to keep the house cool!
  7. Pellet stoves are great to supplement heat but don't expect to use one as any source of primary heat. A couple of my friends tried doing that and found they went through tons of pellets and still had to run the oil to keep up. Cost them more in the end instead of using it as a supplement. We have one and use it during the super cold spells. We keep it set low so it still allows the gas heat to cycle, just less and helps circulate the stove heat around the house. That seems to be our sweet spot where we're not just spending extra money
  8. On our week long trip to Canada we used to do, a 300 mile day was the norm on a couple of the days. Some of the route was just at the edge of some sleds fuel capacity during those days. Quite invigorating
  9. My favorite "modern style" sled is still my 2003 REV X 800. Best handling/riding of all. Least favorite was my 2007 XRS, 2010 XRS was great, but still not as fun as the '03. I'm going to find a good one and restore it eventually
  10. I remember all the global cooling talk mid 70s to early 80s. We studied it a lot in class. There was incontrovertible evidence of such...
  11. Usually that's due to lack of experience, or far worse a bad ice cube or three! WAYYY too much DUI still going on in the sledding community! 45 on many trails should be perfectly safe
  12. That's crazy! Never heard of speed regulated rentals. Last time I rented it was at Norther Outdoors in Maine. Maybe things have changed? I know there are no more rentals in VT
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