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About UnitedWx

  • Birthday 03/22/1970

Profile Information

  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Westfield, MA / Simsbury, CT
  • Interests
    Weather... and vintage Volkswagens

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  1. Exactly. It doesn't seem like the smartest area to be taking official measurements for Temps when it's usually skewed several degrees warmer than any of the surrounding areas
  2. Certainly a massive heat island around the airport that's for sure. Just standing in one of those waiting areas they provide near the runway you can feel the massive amounts of heat, it's worse than the Walmart parking lot
  3. Was just going to say that for myself... Westfield vs BDL. Of course if it's right, the thermometer at BDL will insist it's 78
  4. It's theme of operation the whole past winter season
  5. Certainly looks like it... but I'm already taken. Can't stand muscles like that
  6. Light snow in Westfield and Granby this A.M. Showers in Simsbury
  7. Oh no offense taken, don't worry. It's just an observation I've made the last couple of years but I get your point. And even though we don't agree on everything, you're one of my favorite posters in this forum and have been for years
  8. Even better when it's weenie stuffing. Wait! Make that sausage
  9. What you don't see reported en mass are the areas that welcome some warming. Future population redistribution?...
  10. The white rain has turned to flakes in Simsbury. About an hour ago in Westfield we had a gust move through with a wall of slush. It was enough to collect on the highway briefly. Last gasp of winter?
  11. 55 and clouds in Simsbury and Westfield. Really nice actually since the drizzle quit around 10. Sun is highly overrated
  12. Yeah, opening day at Fenway weather
  13. Keep the liquid flowing! I have a ton of stuff to burn this spring
  14. Couple flakes on the windshield this A.M. in Westfield but nothing OTG... not even wet. Radar returns lied like a rug last night! Low of 33
  15. State must be buying it, they were our striping the roads with treatment this morning...
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