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Prismshine Productions

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Everything posted by Prismshine Productions

  1. Thanks for letting me know, guess in order of impact: BECS KU MECS HECS? Sent from my SM-S146VL using Tapatalk
  2. Since I am still relatively new here... Can you explain the difference between a KU, HECS, and MECS? Sent from my SM-S146VL using Tapatalk
  3. Vermont just won their first ever National Championship that isn't Skiing... Hopefully Mother Nature throws us a party Sent from my SM-S146VL using Tapatalk
  4. "You can't call them Cinderella, you can call them National Champions!" Sent from my SM-S146VL using Tapatalk
  5. Welcome to New England; Have a look around Where plenty of fail modes For snowstorms can be found... Sent from my SM-S146VL using Tapatalk
  6. You have no idea how bad I want to say President's Day XD Sent from my SM-S146VL using Tapatalk
  7. Ah so literally rinse wash and repeat from last year... How do the weeklies look? Sent from my SM-S146VL using Tapatalk
  8. You see, that is the only reason why I don't mind being torchy for a week or so, they DESPERATELY rely on the snowpack generated from a -PNA to offset their brutal summer water loss rates Sent from my SM-S146VL using Tapatalk
  9. Mainly made it as a place holder, besides, beats glaring at the blowtorch next week Sent from my SM-S146VL using Tapatalk
  10. Morning of the 23rd, 12z suites: ICON ENS: 4° GEFS: 12° EPS: -2° GEPS: 0° Wonder why the GEFS is running warmer than the others Sent from my SM-S146VL using Tapatalk
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