Got some thoughts that have been rattling around my head all evening... To start, I just want to say that I am happy to be here in the New England crew. Hurricane Floyd got me interested in weather (due to losing power for a few nights despite the NC landfall, the dynamics involved kick started my love interest in the hobby), and I have learned a lot from folks far more seasoned than I could ever hope to be both down the in SE and up here. I always was a cold weather enthusiast, but never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be living full time in a place that experiences actual seasons and "true cold". Through all the bickering, whining, and can kicking, I am rather content. Would I love to experience an old fashioned "Winter of Yore"? Oh yes, absolutely, but even this current climo far beats the raging dews and warm winters I had growing up. All in all, this is my home, and I am a proud Vermonter (go Catamounts!), and I wouldn't change it for the world. Just me, my wife, and our cat as we watch for the rare SVR, chance the fantasy KU, or even just watch height anomalies in the summer as we all get out and enjoy the beach/mountains/lakes or whatever it is you do. In the end, it doesn't matter if it is raining/snowing/windy to kingdom come, what matters is making memories with our family and loved ones. As the calendar flips to the start of a New Year, let it start on a positive note: We all made it to another year, Benchmark is welcoming a new child into the world, most of us just had a White Christmas, and whatever it is in your lives that makes you happy reflect on those things instead of the inconsistency of the latest model suite and remember... Whether it be skiing in Ludlow, eating lobster rolls in Maine, hiking in New Hampshire, catching a Red Sox game and singing Sweet Caroline on a crisp autumn evening, heading to the coast in Connecticut, or taking a trip to the Outer Cape and Rhode Island... We are all New Englanders. Happy New Year everyone, and may it be a blessed one. -Prism Sent from my SM-S146VL using Tapatalk