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Prismshine Productions

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Everything posted by Prismshine Productions

  1. South Carolina got 1973'ed on the Euro... Their infrastructure can't handle that like towns up here can, most of the state would lose power
  2. op GFS with a big system at the end of the run but for some reason precip gets stonewalled by that 1046H over Eastern Canada Sent from my SM-S146VL using Tapatalk
  3. Warm and rain: This winter sucks! Cold and dry: This winter sucks! Can't have it both ways, and at least it *feels* like winter for once. It seems like the winters of the 2010s spoiled a lot of people, not going to get Snowmeggedon year in and year out in this warming background climate... Take the cold shots when you can Sent from my SM-S146VL using Tapatalk
  4. That is a solid signal... .3-.4 QPF average can easily be a 3-6" event, got to be a few big dogs lurking in the ensemble suite Sent from my SM-S146VL using Tapatalk
  5. The temps that translates to Sent from my SM-S146VL using Tapatalk
  6. Any way to thaw them out? Sent from my SM-S146VL using Tapatalk
  7. . Sent from my SM-S146VL using Tapatalk
  8. November: 4" December: 9" January (so far): 1.85" Current Season to date: 14.85" Last season snow to date: 12.50" Ahead for now, but quickly going to fall behind by the end of this coming week (had 18" total last January)
  9. It is the Euro AI Sent from my SM-S146VL using Tapatalk
  10. name the last time you saw a mean like that from the EPS
  11. this winter has not been a total shitshow, yes we might not have gotten a lot of snow BUT we have gotten the cold at least
  12. I am at 1.5" too, can't complain since a few days ago it was looking like a shutout Sent from my SM-S146VL using Tapatalk
  13. They saw the 12z GFS Sent from my SM-S146VL using Tapatalk
  14. if that 19th event does happen I dont have to work that day so I would be able to keep updated totals
  15. CNE has a fun time on the 19th-20th (inside 240hrs to boot)
  16. oh I know, was just giving a frame of reference about how true winter this cold snap has been
  17. The West and Connecticut Rivers both have an ice sheet on top (will see if I can take a pic tomorrow)
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