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Prismshine Productions

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About Prismshine Productions

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Brattleboro, VT

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  1. surprised nobody mentioned the overnight Euro, most of the long range guidance has something around Groundhog Day... GFS has the 2nd both the Euro and Canadian are eyeing the 3rd
  2. seeing a page of bitching and talking past climo instead of the models tells me all I need to know about the 6z suite...
  3. just checking in for the day (got called into work unexpectedly), got down to -14 last night and my honest opinion: I thought it would have felt worse than what it did... can someone give me a TLDR on the 12z suite?
  4. Daniel Island got porked by a 50mb thick warm nose and had a sleet fest... that aint going away for a few days
  5. give it to Florida... they actually know how to properly measure
  6. I mean, giving me a weenie emote for something I have yet to experience since moving up here does feel a little bit... dickish
  7. -6.7, running 7 degrees colder tonight so might come close to my first ever negative double digits
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