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Everything posted by GCWarrior

  1. A few inches Thursday and Ice Friday. Largest school district in the state. 9 towns, Heath, Colrain, Hawley, Ashfield, and Plainfield included. Lots of elevation change.
  2. No, Thursday and Friday last week! Monday and Thursday this week!
  3. Don’t understand why school was cancelled here again. 4 snow days for Mohawk District in a week! Might as well just cancel for cold tomorrow! Start vacation early. 3” last night, a bit more than 8” for the week here! Driving through Savoy it looks like deep winter up there.
  4. Yes. Savoy looked like a lot more than 6”. Reports confirm it. I hope most of rain stays south of here.
  5. Two hour delay at my school. My kids are on their 3rd snow day in a row. 6” down in Buckland with maybe a bit more in Savoy. My son is at Berkshire East now. I’m pretty jealous!
  6. Just flipped to snow here! Big flakes. Light breeze.
  7. Here in the falls at 600’ I’m feeling pretty good. Areas around here, upper Buckland, Ashfield over toward Savoy could see pretty significant ice. Many places above 1000’ in this area lost power for a week in 2008.
  8. Looks great! I need to go north and ski.
  9. I think when they mean they will open for 2020 is they will get the lower learning lift open for people to just cruise around. Not sure they will get much more up and running this year. Having skied every medium to large ski resort in New England and many out west I can say Saddleback is the closest to western skiing I’ve experienced in the east. Incredible snow park retention, makes it seem like they get a lot more snow than many New England mountains. They get around 220” of snow a year compared to Sugarloafs 200”. Couple this with less skier traffic and a high base elevation you have natural snow well into may pretty much every season up there.
  10. Nice Super Bowl tailgate at Berkshire East yesterday. Skiing was pretty awesome for manmade. I definitely like that they leave some features in the groomed surface.
  11. I love Saddleback! Hit it the day after the Snowicane late February 2010. Pretty epic knee deep turns!
  12. Maybe it can become another 3-6” SWFE!!!
  13. As is often the case the BLT was busier than the ski area. Magic is the only bar I know with a ski area! This guy enjoyed the BLT a little too much!
  14. Skied Magic on Friday. Place was dead And they had pretty limited terrain. Groomers were in very nice shape though. Had a great BLT at the Black Line Tavern. We drove to Pico only to find crazy lift lines and windholds. They mentioned if they were still on hold by 11 we could ski Killington but judging by the crowds we decided to not bother skiing at all. Pretty disappointed but the hot tub felt pretty good regardless. Ski resorts badly need some snow!
  15. Great night at Berkshire East last night. Ripping snow the whole time. Every run down we got fresh tracks!
  16. Agreed! I have lived and skied all over the country and my home hill still makes me smile. The Beast has done a splendid job snowmaking this season and offers enough terrain to keep me busy for a couple hours despite no natural snow right now. Living 15 mins away helps me like it a lot too. I just hope we can get some natural snow this winter. Place has some killer woods skiing if you know where to look.
  17. Finally making the trek out of southern New England next weekend. Magic and Pico on tap. Hoping the 25th ish timeframe brings me some good luck!
  18. I know everyone is focused on the weekend system. Anyone have any thoughts on the following week. Looks pretty quiet until later in the week.
  19. We generally do well with SWFE so hopefully this weekends storm pans out.
  20. Berkshire East got destroyedover night. The coverage was not bad yesterday, today it was downright sad. They are closed tomorrow. Hopefully they can fire up the guns soon.
  21. Looks great up there at Berkshire East! I'll be heading up for a bit after I get out of work. Kids are already up skiing with friends. Going to be slush on top of ice tonight!
  22. Haven't made it up north since Wildcat in November but for what it is Berkshire East has been pretty good lately. Yesterday was unsurprisingly very icy despite just sharpening my skis. But it's still fun to get out. I'll hope we get a decent February this year, it tends to be the only time we get decent snow. January always plays out exactly like this one has so far! Plenty of month left to go though.
  23. Hi Everyone! Been lurking around for a long time. Hope I can contribute! In no real order most are recent because they are are still fresh in my mind. Tropical Storm Irene 2011- Most rain I have ever seen in my life including my time in Olympia. I remember going to bed and waking up the next day to the Deerfield River flooding much of downtown Shelburne Falls. I see the high water line every am driving to work. Octobomb same year- weak over all winter as we all know. Not a weak snow storm. We weren’t far from the jackpot. I skinned Berkshire East and made thigh deep “turns” straight down the mountain. Halloween was fun that year for my very young children at the time! Thanksgiving eve Storm 2014- We lost power for an hour or so with the turkey in the middle of cooking. Power came back on and we definitely ate the turkey. Skied the next day with zero base, totally worth it. January 11 2011- Savoy, MA reported over 40” of snow. I remember taking my son up to the state park so he could play. Everything was just buried in snow. January 1994 cold outbreak I think - I remember this well. Before our bubble wrap protected society took over they made us actually go to school in negative temperatures(the horror!) I remember waiting at the bus stop a couple mornings of -20. That month.
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