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Everything posted by GCWarrior

  1. Berkshire East opened on New Years day 2012! That was a nice winter for golf!
  2. This may have been mentioned before but didn't the epic late December to early Feb run in 2010-11 not show up on the long range models until Mid December? I know technology in general has advanced in 9 years but I'd like to wait until we get in December before getting to concerned about this winter sucking.
  3. I have been skiing at Berkshire East since I was a young child. Since Jim and Jon took over the operation from their father the mountain has seen so many changes for the better. Not only have they turned Berkshire East into a great 4 season resort but they do a ton for the local community. Very good rates for school groups continues to be one of their big points of emphasis. They even went out and responded to local criticism and lowered their season pass prices a couple years ago. It is very much appreciated that they are going to provide added shelter for their skiers. They honestly don't have to go through these measures but it shows how much they care about providing a great guest experience.
  4. Jay on the Indy pass would be great. Jay is going to really struggle this season without the Canadians. I’m not complaining the slightest bit personally. I’d hope a down season can maybe drop the asking price a bit to allow for Jay to be purchased next summer. I don’t know how long they can be in limbo.
  5. I find it is I much more fun than tuckerman’s proper. The crowds are more manageable and the hiking is a lot easier. Plus it’s the easiest access above treeline skiing in the east.
  6. https://mountwashingtonavalanchecenter.org/east-side-closure-lifts-monday-june-8/?fbclid=IwAR04XMKaY7amlMF4XVSLBB8FHBiwhQjmskdz1sy3dxfPnNSjJ_Ilzs0DfB8 Well this changes my weekend plans a little. I wont boot it up into Tucks, been there done that. I definitely would hit East snowfields though. Very relaxing and fun place to ski.
  7. If you are looking for something for both alpine and touring the shift is great. But if you are looking for super light touring only tech bindings are good. Tech bindings aren't the greatest on groomers and can struggle with downhill if pushed hard.
  8. We walked. People ahead(super slow) and behind had carts. We ended up waiting a fair amount. It seems every dude in their 20's and 30's has taken up playing golf because the bars are closed. Some of these guys should not be playing golf.
  9. I would recommend the salomon/armada/atomic shift binding. They are pricey, around $350 but they are a great touring option. They switch from pin bindings to traditional alpine binding for the descent. They are a bit heavier than tech bindings and a bit lighter than a Marker F12(no need for tech inserts). I have dynafit beasts so I have gone full tech binding. I went this route for two reasons. 1. Cost, the beasts were the best price at the time 2. I have several pairs of straight alpine skis in my quiver so a dedicated touring rig is good for me. This will be new for me as I have been touring on a pair of marker dukes I won way back in 2010. They have been heavily abused over the years but are still alive and well. The weight difference will be the biggest for me, I'm looking forward to the relief.
  10. I'm going to declare my season officially over. I thought I would be able to make a run at the presidentials but it never really panned out with this quarantine going on. I haven't skied since march 28th but I did manage to get more days in than the ugly 2015-16 season, so I'd say that alone is a small win. Overall though i'm going to forget this ski season and move onto the next one. Put my stimulus check partly to good use with the purchase of a new touring setup.
  11. Played Maplegate(Bellingham) and Poquay Brook(Lakeville) the last couple weekends. Both were pretty good, Maplegate greens were lightning fast. Anyone here played Heritage country club in Carlton, MA? I've been doing some big drives to play with college friends it's a bit closer than the other two we played.
  12. Overall the winter was a big fat F for me. I feel like 2015-16 was a lot worse. I look at all winters from a skiers perspective. I really don't care for snow if I can't ski. We were actually around average for snowfall here, I'm not sure the exact numbers as I generally don't keep track. Aided by a huge dump in early December the winter was off to a hot start but just like the previous winter it really never took off here. March was not what it was the winter before and then Covid happened. I did get a few nice powder days but my last ski day was in late March. Lets see what happens with the minimal sun spot activity and reduction of pollution due to Covid this upcoming winter. Repeat 2018-19 I go north, repeat 2010-2011 I stay here, anything in between I embrace and roll.
  13. Not my picture but Berkshire East had this picture posted in their lodge for a long time. Powder magazine came out and spent half the day trying to get this one shot. Skiing was almost impossible that day, mountain was not steep enough.
  14. Spent some time today flexing all my skis and wishing I could use them. Mount Washington buried in late season snow and no one can ski it! Open the autoroad June 1 and make my day!
  15. Mother’s Day 2017. East of Keene, Nelson, NH got 9”. 4” in Hawley which is about 8 miles from here. 18” on top of Mount Washington.
  16. I know it’s not SNE but wasn’t it mid may 2017 when SW NH got a foot?
  17. That area of Vermont is awesome. I'm not a southern vermont guy but I live about 10 mins from the border. I can tell you as far as snowfall goes we get about 60ish inches here in the valley and some place up in Vermont get 175" Stratton and Mount Snow are not places I would ski on the weekend but they are great midweek. Magic is where I would go on the weekend. From Wardsboro area it's not far. They don't get the same snow as Stratton, probably around 120" but they have some serious terrain and a great bar vibe if you are into that sort of thing. Some winters southern vermont gets pounded, these are usually years when SNE gets pounded. 2011, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018 come to mind over the last 10 or so years. If you are into ski touring than southern vermont is a fantastic place to be. Dutch hill, Prospect mountain, Hogback all provide some great skiing on old NELSAP trails, often creating perfect glades. If the snow is good there are plenty of other bc spots with decent access. I have skied the wind farm in searsburg off route 8 in 2011. There are a couple nice power lines you can ski on or near the MA/VT border.
  18. Western Maine is where you should buy land if you are looking for that much. 30 acres even near Jay Peak is going to be a lot more than Maine. Plus with Saddleback up and running next Rangeley will be a be really happening place. All ready a big destination for sled necks they get some good comedy acts and bands. Also there are some decent restaurants and bars in town. NVT is fine but there isn't much up there. The closer you get to burlington, waterbury, stowe the more expensive it gets. Saddleback has the best snowpack retention in New England. You could go there right now in this down winter and ski 100% of the mountain on natural snow without a problem.
  19. I thought about this as well. The auto road usually opens in early to mid may. I’m highly doubting things are in a better place by then.
  20. Did a quick trip up Mount Snow yesterday. Limited on time so I went up under the canyon quad and up onto ripcord. Then all the way down back to the lot. Nice little trip. It wasn’t too busy up there. Local people taking their kids sledding on the bunny hill. A few people hiking on different routes. Being alone I found it very easy to stay away from other people. I’d bet today is going to put some pressure to close uphill traffic as it’s supposed to be really nice. i hope people can stay away and keep things open for a while long. There is a ton of snow up there.
  21. Berkshire East done! No trespassing signs and caution tape up. I may journey up to mount Snow but crossing state lines seems iffy right now.
  22. Berkshire East was very good first thing. My 9 year old was a bit of an anchor so I only was able to ski the lower half of the mountain twice. Skiing was very good first thing. Second run was much more sticky.
  23. Maybe the last day of hiking and skiing today. Semi shut down of the state isn’t something I’m messing with. Maybe backroads get me there but we will see.
  24. Too late to measure now as it’s compacted pretty good but I bet we got more than 6”. It ripped hard at the very end last night.
  25. Berkshire East today was nice. I felt it was a little bit busy but people never interacted outside their small groups. It was pretty cold and their was a decent breeze at the top. Snow never really warmed up until 3pm but it was a lot of fun.
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