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Everything posted by kgottwald

  1. Remember December 30, 2000? DC was supposed to get 4 - 8 inches from that storm. We got CLEAR SKIES, while Northwestern NJ got bombed with 25 inches. Here in Vienna, VA, the moderate snow stopped around 9 a.m., and it's been nothing but light or very light snow since.
  2. I was pretty sure yesterday morning that DCA would end up with only a trace - it always, always underperforms in snow events. Just 16" in the 2016 storm when everywhere else in the immediate area was two feet or greater. I wonder if the location only got 16 inches during the Knickerbocker storm that dumped 28 inches at 24th & M.
  3. Just changed to sleet a couple minutes ago in Tysons Corner.
  4. https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mesowest/timeseries.php?sid=Kiad&num=168&wfo=psr Switching to five-minute observations hasn't worked in days. And composite reflectivity no longer works on the NWS radar. Is NWS running out of funding to maintain these or something?
  5. Remember 1997-98? So warm that there weren't even any snow threats in the DC area.
  6. Tired of bringing my umbrella every day because the NWS predicts heavy storms, only to feel like a fool when it's sunny all day.
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