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Everything posted by kgottwald

  1. All anyone remembers about 82-83 is the general mildness interrupted by the 2/11 storm - everyone has forgotten the 6-12 inches on December 12 (after a truly tropical first few days of the month), the additional inch a week later and the 4 inches on 2/6.
  2. I have two notifications that people replied to my posts in the Mid-Long Range discussion thread in Mid-Atlantic. Neither reply is actually visible in the thread. Did the moderator remove them for some reason?
  3. National and Dulles couldn't even manage two consecutive sub-freezing high temperatures. Busted the forecast by 6 or 7 degrees IIRC. Kind of pathetic if that's all we're gonna get.
  4. IAD's all-time low of -18 on January 22, 1984 was a result of perfect radiation conditions: calm wind, snow cover, no clouds. DCA only dropped to 3. The afternoon highs reached the mid-twenties.
  5. Interesting that IAD obs never reported snow, just rain, drizzle and mist.
  6. Front passing through Tysons Corner just now. Sudden burst of sleet.
  7. That was the year when all the TV mets promised a white Christmas. December 24 was 58 degrees, but it was supposed to start raining in the evening and then switch to snow, piling up 2 to 4 inches. But whatever primitive Neanderthal forecast models they were using back then were less accurate than flipping a coin. The cold air never arrived and we got zero snow. Bitter disappointment!!
  8. Gordon Barnes! That takes me back! He'd give his winter predictions in November, usually calling for a cold, snowy pattern, and he'd *always* say we were going to get a white Christmas. I don't know how he came up with that stuff, probably pulled out of his ass. After three or four years of disappointments, I got pretty annoyed at him for continually raising false hopes.
  9. This weather reminds me of the then-record-warm December of 1984, which had a considerable number of mild, foggy nights.
  10. Temps rising with the wind picking up - a minor Chinook effect?
  11. And I certainly hope that this is the latest in the year that the DC area will ever see 70-degree dewpoints.
  12. A patch of blue sky in Merrifield about 15 minutes ago.
  13. Despite the predicted upper 50s lows, temperatures have stubbornly refused to drop at all since sunset. Even Dulles has stayed in the low sixties overnight.
  14. Unforecast showers making their way through the DC area.
  15. Tiny glimpses of blue sky, looking north from Tysons Corner
  16. So long to the warm, dry week we were supposed to get!
  17. Hold up. Yesterday, the coming week was supposed to be in the 70s from start to finish, dry and sunny. Now, all of a sudden, I see 60s, chances for showers and (at least) partly sunny?? WTAF?
  18. Persistent S wind preventing freeze even at IAD. Never dropped below 39 at DCA.
  19. Clouds and light S wind prevented frost. I really want a hard freeze even in the heat islands to get rid of the mosquitoes until spring.
  20. I thought it was supposed to be clearing up by now. Still socked in with drizzle. Yesterday Tysons/Vienna actually had no rain except brief sprinkles now and then, and I thought it was almost over. Rain bands moving from east to west look ugly and unnatural.
  21. From the radar it looks like Savannah has escaped much impact. Good luck for them!
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