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Everything posted by kgottwald

  1. IAD's dry-bulb thermometer or dewpoint sensor keeps going screwy. Registering momentary bursts of DPs in the forties or thirties!
  2. Capital Weather Gang's forecast is for no relief from the blasted humidity for the foreseeable future. God, that's depressing.
  3. Heard two loud thunderbolts earlier, but not a drop fell. On radar it looked like there was a wall along the Fairfax-Loudoun border protecting us from the rain.
  4. I remember thinking that during the five-day April heat wave in 1976. Then the summer was markedly cool, downright chilly at times away from the urban heat island. (Average low at IAD barely broke 60 in July and was a nippy 58.4 in August!) setting the stage for the memorable winter of '77.
  5. If the same pattern occurred todayin March, would DCA hit 100?
  6. Did DCA really get sprinkles at 1 p.m. or was the sensor glitching out?
  7. Way too early in the day for storms!!
  8. From an upper floor of a Tysons Corner office building, I can see a heavy rain shower over Mongomery County.
  9. Raining pretty heavily in Merrifield.
  10. On this date in 1984, one of the most spectacular weather events of my youth: four inches of snow in one hour in a thunderstorm.
  11. Looking north from Tysons Corner, I can see the edge of the clouds.
  12. The Wedge wins 90% of the time!
  13. Still in the forties in the DC area with east winds. I smell a bust.
  14. Still only in the 50s in Fairfax County. What happened to the predicted 70 degrees?
  15. What is with every Friday afternoon being blustery and turning colder? Are we stuck in some kind of infinite loop?
  16. . . . and again with the damn clouds. Aren't we going to get a 100% sunny day anywhere in this mild pattern?
  17. Another "sunny" day derailed by unforecasted clouds. Bah humbug.
  18. That looks just like my elementary school, if you replaced the playground equipment and asphalt with trees and grass.
  19. Makes me wonder how common snow was at the site of DC in the decades surrounding 5000 BC.
  20. I'm wondering, if Florida had a mountain range with 10,000'+ peaks running down its spine, how would that affect the climate? Would there be a rain-shadow and if so on which side? How high would the snowline be at Miami's latitude? Would we have a domestic coffee industry?
  21. A LOT of clouds out there on what was supposed to be a sunny day - the models always miss that on the day after a substantial rainfall it will nearly always be cloudy in the afternoon.
  22. Every single damn Friday afternoon/evening, with the screaming NW winds . . . every one! What is it with this pattern?
  23. The folks at CapitalWeather speculate that we might be on track to beat January 1950 for pure blowtorchness.
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