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Everything posted by kgottwald

  1. That winter still holds the record for least snow in Boston! Just 9.0 inches, of which 4.4 inches fell in November. 2011-12 and 2023-2024 are not far behind, though, with 9.3 and 9.8 inches respectively. DC's total was 20.3 inches, of which the snowiest month was March with 11.1.
  2. First September with no lows under 70? First October with an average low above 60 at DCA?
  3. Starting to see clouds in Tysons Corner.
  4. I'm pretty sure that was 2018, when Ellicott City got major flood damage three (four?) separate times. That was the year of the atmospheric rivers. Like late June 2006 except a whole bunch of times.
  5. The first 80 low at IAD ever!
  6. Then again, those were dust-bowl years.
  7. Dewpoint at IAD still 64, DCA 66. The dry ground must be helping to suppress it. Hopefully if downtown DC doesn't get rain it won't be too muggy.
  8. I absolutely despise overcast, muggy mornings like this. With no sunshine, the outside temps will stay in the upper seventies-low eighties for hours and hours, and my air conditioner can't really get to work and knock down the indoor humidity to something reasonable unless I crank it way colder than I'd like. (I'm getting on in years, so a living-room temp of 77 with a dewpoint of 40 - 50 is about my ideal).
  9. Dewpoint just 61 at IAD. Will the storms dissipate as they approach?
  10. The first time I ever saw blue skies and puffy clouds on a hot, humid day was in August 1988, during the record string of 90-degree days. Bill Kamal on channel 9 commented on how unusual it was, that the air came straight from the tropics.
  11. reminds me of summer in Seattle
  12. Unseasonably cold and windy in Tysons Corner. And clouding over again. Two days in a row with sunny afternoons predicted but not materializing.
  13. I suppose climate change is screwing up the forecast models in some way. Still raining on Gallows Road in Vienna. Third separate shower. I Keep waiting for it to end but I won't get home till sunset at this rate.
  14. Zero chance of rain in the forecast today but I just got DRENCHED for the second time in a week. And there was hail too. I hate surprises. And I REALLY, REALLY hate getting rained on because I believed the forecast and didn't take my umbrella on a SUNNY day. I despise this climate. Five consecutive days with rain - two of which were supposed to be dry. That is just too much.
  15. At IAD and at my house, the temperature did not budge all night. 64 at 3 p.m. and 64 at 6 a.m., despite the NWS forecast calling for a low of 53. This isn't the first time I've seen such a low-temp bust. The forecast models seem to be completely unable to handle overnight warm, humid airmasses in winter.
  16. And in ten years, we'll start getting Januarys with 70-degree dewpoints, and thunderstorms with tornado threats.
  17. more like "get ready for monsoon downpours, 60 degree dewpoints and SW winds so strong it's difficult to walk".
  18. When do you think DC-area stores will stop ordering snow shovels and rock salt? Next year? What's the mildest-winter place where stores routinely carry those things?
  19. Huh? The big Veterans Day storm was in 1987 - granted, December was mild and snowless, but we got an inch right after New Years, then 4-8 inches on the 8th accompanied by almost two weeks of serious cold. Another 4 - 6" on January 25th (rain changing to snow, which hardly ever accumulates that much around here), a couple dustings in February with cold snaps, and measurable snow on March 20! 1988-89, granted, was disappointing in the DC area - that was the year that a bunch of storms missed us to the *south*, and Tidewater Virginia got the jackpot (like 1980). Even then, the first week of January brought three light-to-moderate snowfalls, the one on January 6 being slush in downtown DC but three or four inches even in Cleveland Park (I tried to visit the zoo that day to see what it was like in the snow, but it was closed).
  20. High of 61 at IAD. Forecast busted by a whopping ten degrees!
  21. NWS predicted high today was 37. Both IAD and DCA have already reached 42/43. AGW strikes again.
  22. I see it's supposed to rain on Saturday. So much for the solar eclipse. Grr.
  23. Dulles' sensors are going wonky again. No, the dewpoint does not drop 18 degrees in fifteen minutes without a serious frontal passage!
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