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Everything posted by kgottwald

  1. That must have been 1994. Damn near every storm that winter was ice, very little snow. January 19 only reached 8 at DCA after a low of -4!!
  2. December 30, 2000. Fairfax County was supposed to get 4 to 8 inches. We got . . . CLEAR SKIES. It wasn't even cloudy. Now THAT'S a bust. Runner-up: losing a promised white Christmas in 1985, because "the cold air stalled over the Appalachians." I'll never forget that.
  3. The brief snow earlier had changed to rain; now it's back to snow. Wind finally shifted to NW at IAD.
  4. Snow starting to mix with the rain in Vienna VA.
  5. I fully expect Inauguration Day to be 65 and sunny, if it isn't 80 and humid.
  6. Heavy unforecast drizzle on my walk to work in Tysons Corner. We'll see if this next cold front comes through as promised, or whether it turns tail and retreats to Minneapolis leaving us with 60+ dewpoints until December.
  7. DCA's record is 15 days, April 27 to May 11 2016. https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2024/10/02/dc-rainy-streak-record/
  8. And NWS says another whole week with little or no sunshine, and rain every day.
  9. Dewpoints forecast to stay in the subtropical to tropical range for the foreseeable future. Wake me when a real cold front arrives.
  10. Wonder if it's possible to get through all of September with absolutely zero rain. Only calendar month that's happened with is October 1963, counting traces as zero. But the DCA absolute drought record is 34 days in the fall of 2007.
  11. The cool air was supposed to arrive during daylight hours, but OF COURSE it's been delayed until late night as always happens during the hot season.
  12. Cloudy in Tysons Corner right now - will this stick around and moderate the heat?
  13. Clouds covering most of the sky already. Forecasters should know that it practically takes divine intervention to get 100% sunshine in August, especially the day after widespread showers.
  14. My house is near the center of the dry bullseye in Fairfax County.
  15. The front was originally supposed to blast through yesterday afternoon and plunge the dewpoints into the fifties,wasn't it?? This morning's AFD yanks that away: oops, scratch that, the front is now just a pathetic, wheezy little thing which will barely dry us out until tomorrow. Christ, I'm sick and damn tired of this humidity and of the models raising false hope yet again.
  16. Dewpoint at IAD is 75, up to "uncomfortable even standing still" levels. Is it going to hit 79 like it did in Savannah? Sure hope not.
  17. Is the immediate DC metro area going to get *any* sun today?? Hour after hour of overcast and tropical humidity is sapping my patience.
  18. Two separate showers with bright sunshine between 5 and 6 pm. Outer fringes of the heavy showers that popped up just south of 66.
  19. Dewpoint back into the damn seventies, after I thought the front had gone through hours ago!!
  20. Interesting that the early summer of 1931 in Tallahassee got its record warmth from the high temperatures exclusively; the lows were comparatively bearable. June 10 even had a high of 95 and a low of 58, something you'd expect to see in *Denver.* Pity you can't look up dewpoints. Edit: Tallahassee's population in 1930 was barely 10,000, so there was essentially no urban heat island.
  21. DCA has not dropped below 70 degrees since July 2; most of the overnight lows have exceeded 75, more like Miami than DC. We in the greater urban heat island deserve the couple of cool nights we'll get.
  22. From a north-facing window in Tysons Corner I can see heavy showers in Langley or Potomac moving to the northwest. No more than discrete raindrops here though so far, with occasional glimpses of sunshine.
  23. I am so over these 70+ dewpoints. Only, what, three months more of them??
  24. Patches of blue sky in Tysons Corner. I think I'm going to regret bringing that big umbrella.
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