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Everything posted by binbisso

  1. Strongest winds I've seen in years I'm hoping none of my trees come down definitely 70 miles an hour or more but can't confirm in lower Westchester
  2. Monthly departures Cp +2.8 Ewr +2.6 Jfk +3 Lga +4.7 Is there any way we could remove LGA as a reporting station or can they move their sensor to a better spot to give a better representation of Queens it's pretty ridiculous that they're about two degrees above normal from any of the local reporting stations
  3. Next weekend looking very pleasant on ensemble guidance today. Looks like some negative 850 anomalies over the Northeast with the heat dome in central Canada and Upper Midwest
  4. One of the best summer days down here in the suburbs of New York City. Lga 93 temp 51 dp. 90 hi 24% rh. Hpn 87 temp 56 dp 34% rh
  5. Lga temp 93 dp 51 hi 90 rh 24%. That is a perfect summer day
  6. LaGuardia is 89 with a dew point of 58 heat index actually below air temperature at 88 pretty comfortable day so far
  7. Statement is actually half true. Yes no snow for our area but plenty cold enough so that it snows in Northern Alabama Georgia Tennessee North Carolina and South Carolina we just can't seem to get a system them with the right track to give us snow. If it can snow way down south in this horrible pattern it certainly can snow for us. pretty incredible how unlucky we are this winter
  8. Looks like there's a big flip in guidance The last 12 to 24 hours as we look to see our first real Artic cold Coming late next week and next weekend.. Vortex finally coming out of Alaska and heading towards Hudson Bay some guidance take us down close to zero In about seven days with the very active pattern maybe we can get lucky and get some snow. I'll believe it when I see it, though.
  9. The ukie has been consistent with several inches of snow from the second wave Thursday morning the GFS and CMC flip-flopped today. Overall looking at all guidance the GFS is the warmest at 850. Even the nam a hour 84 is colder than the GFS most of the guidance gets the zero C line down to Southern New Jersey and South of Philly. Now we just need the precipitation to come in while it's still cold enough the third wave looks warm across the board
  10. Yeah but I have to figure out how to post them on here anyway go to pivotal weather and click on high-res euro zoom into the Northeast click on winter weather and then click on total accumulated snowfall
  11. I think we going to see at least some Frozen with one of these waves specially for the city north and west. Climo would favor a more Southward progression with the front but we shall see
  12. The euro is similar to the UK it drops several inches of snow with the second wave before we torch and rain with the third wave. The trend has been for the cold to press Southward and the trough to be flatter and more positively tilted let's see if that can continue with the third wave
  13. I should also add that the vortex will be over Hudson Bay and not over Alaska which is more favorable for our area
  14. February is looking entirely different than January. First it looks very active January was very dry secondly the negative EPO is going to allow for cold air to be close by so I think we're going to time one of these waves or maybe two during the first half of the month but we shall see you can also add in the mjo at least during in the first week should be in the c o d and not in any Amplified warm phase
  15. Yes the third wave is very warm on the UK and we all know the GFS is not all snow there's a lot of sleet and freezing rain on their snowfall Maps
  16. Today's UK met shows 2 to 3 in across the area with the second wave according to pivotal weather maps
  17. Today's 12z Euro buries Northwest New Jersey and Orange County. Gets snow in to Northern Westchester Western Bergen County and Rockland County
  18. Yes not going to make difference for dc but Shift that system North a hundred miles and there would be frozen for many in this sub forum. Obviously that's going off the Euro run verbatim we know all the caveats that apply to a 7-Day system
  19. Yes that's because the primary was north of Detroit. If the system next week stays under us we could have Frozen even down to the coast
  20. Just under 3 in here in lower Westchester still snowing moderately
  21. Back home in lower Westchester approaching 1 in still snowing never dry slotted precipitation filling in again don't think precip will ever shut off here
  22. Precipitation moved in about an hour sooner than most guidance which happens often in overrunning situations. Considering we have about seven hours of precipitation left I feel it's going to be hard to change over to rain this looks mostly Frozen from the Bronx North intensity now picking up
  23. Snowing lightly here in the Bronx sticking on all surfaces down to 26 degrees
  24. We rarely see accumulating snow in the New York City metro area with the surface low that tracks north of Chicago North of Detroit and north of Buffalo. I guess this is what a fresh injection of Artic Air can do. Dew points are pretty impressive cold right now below zero throughout the Metro -10 Southern Connecticut -5 Central Park
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