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Everything posted by binbisso

  1. Correct me if I am wrong but our snowiest winters are la nina's? 95/96, 2010/2011, 2020/2021?. If true give me a LA Nina Winter with blocking any day. El Nino are to warm especially in our new climate.
  2. Just under 3" here in Mount Vernon New York cotton balls falling from the sky it hasn't let up since it began around 9:00 a.m.
  3. I wonder if national weather service was correct that models were under doing QPF On the Northwest side of system it wasn't supposed to be snowing this hard until around noon according to the models
  4. This has to be 2 inch an hour rates right now. Eyeballing it almost 1" in 30 minutes absolutely ripping
  5. Snowing as hard as last week's storm except flakes are much bigger
  6. Me too. I think I'm in a great spot for this storm temp dropped to 29゚ last night snowing heavily with huge flakes now
  7. Heavy snow in Mount Vernon already a thick coating on the ground. Huge flakes
  8. Light snow his started here in Mount Vernon 32゚
  9. Ukie also came in with more qpf. 2 to 4" on the snow maps. The trend on 12z models is greater waa snows
  10. Snowed for about 30 minutes with some sleet mixed in at the end a covering on the roofs cars and grass.
  11. What a bomb on the euro day9. With the block being advertised on the models we are now going to see some wild Solutions in the next week and Beyond Edit. Not really a bomb but a nice Miller B redeveloper south of Long Island Fun Times ahead
  12. Today's Canadian has the January 4th system sitting and spinning in the North Atlantic for 5 consecutive days right up to the end of the Run. The model is finally seeing the block and looks like this can set up something in the 10 to 12 day time frame with another short wave in the Gulf and that low sitting in the 50-50 region. The EPS also has something in that time frame. Today's Canadian definitely makes more sense compared to the GFS which has basically cutter after cutter into the block
  13. With the current setup In the Atlantic with the negative Nao and AO you do not want cold Arctic air as that would only suppress system. + 5 in Canada and plus two here in mid-January through mid-February would work just fine as the block would cause systems to go underneath us and it will be plenty cold enough to snow. I know you know this as you are a knowledgeable poster but you're warm bias interferes with rational judgment and your predictions end up wrong.
  14. Don is it then more likely that the vortex will just weaken and not split and if so would that be a more favorable outcome for us here since a split usually favors Eurasia
  15. And it gets better the further out it goes let's just hope it verifies
  16. With regards to the big phased system next week which is still 6 or 7 days out. We need either a later phase further east or better yet miss the phase with the southern stream and see if the northern stream can dive under us and form a Coastal low south of Long Island. That's probably our best chance at seeing snow here in the Northeast with this system
  17. Yeah most Mets and others keep saying that this Nina is coupled with the atmosphere but obviously that is not the case as we typically would have a colder than normal November and December. Last year we had a Nino but November and most of December played out like a nina. clearly something's up between enso and the atmosphere. if this map plays out That's a classic nino positive PNA negative N A O Negative a o.
  18. A+ PNA is now showing up across guidance as we head towards December and it looks to continue through the first half of the month. The GEFS even show signs of Greenland blocking and it's very extended range. Maybe we can finally get some short waves to track underneath us and as we head into December we would not need well below normal temperatures to get some kind of measurable snow which seems to have been missing from December for a long time now
  19. I also lost an aunt to covid a month ago. My moms sister. My cousin got it from her boyfriend who probably got it at school ( teaches special need kids) and gave it to both her parents.
  20. I took my mom out in late march. She had a stroke and heart valve issue in February. She went to two nursing homes/ rehab after hospital stay. She is now living with me. The worst part was not being able to see her. Yea it really is sickening. Need to get the vaccine to these vulnerable people asap even with the unknown about potential side effects. In these cases its probably worth the risk.
  21. From a tropical forcing perspective, how might this La Niña differ from the norm? 2020-21 is predicted to have more activity over the Indian Ocean and less over the Maritime Continent. Ben noll. If this is true then one two and three would be more likely than four five and six this winter but we shall see
  22. Blue Wave I have heard that the atmosphere is currently coupled with the la nina but according to your post above it is not. Do you think this winter will not behave as a typical moderate to Strong La Nina?
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