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Everything posted by Rhino16

  1. TT appears to be updated, the messed up one would be obvious.
  2. Rhino16

    ??'s for NOAA

    Very bold of you to assume there will be another recon flight this year. Looks like you’ll have to wait until next year. I doubt they’ll fly all the way from the pacific to pick you up, gas prices are crazy expensive! /s
  3. It kinda happened this past december, on the 9th-10th storm. The news stations were predicting only an inch or two, but we ended up getting 10+. This is BEFORE CHRISTMAS in Central VA, so of course while you’re trying to tell people, you get the usual “The ground is too warm” reply barked back at you from anyone who doesn’t know too much about WX.
  4. Knowing our luck, that will happen, only in December, January, and February, while leaving October and march either very dry or very hot.
  5. I’ll say it for you: obligatory yum: yum! everyone, that isn’t difficult to make, stop calling yourselves bad cooks!(You didn’t, but i know you did... ) A little bit of practice, and you can make burgers (anything really) like that. Add that to the list of things to do while waiting for something interesting to happen tropical-wise, or while waiting for the first flakes.
  6. No! No, no, NO! February is too long to wait. I want it now!
  7. I’m not them, but my area only had that big December storm which was okay, but the entire rest of winter was boring!
  8. Sorry... forgot forums did that...
  9. Can someone tell me what is considered a tropical wave? Is the thing currently coming off the coast of Africa considered a tropical wave?
  10. Sorry, forgot forums did that. Happy Holidays!
  11. As far as i remember, we didn’t really get any snow after that one in Richmond, but i believe there was a lot of teasing in the long range which ended up north.
  12. I’m not sure i get what you mean by getting the egg off your face... like, you’re hatching because last season was bad?
  13. As long as it isn’t like this past winter... please no!
  14. So, I assume it’s pretty difficult to find out which index / indice will have more of an affect over others. Is the most we can do just look at the past, and the (even with questionable accuracy) predicted strength of the future ones?
  15. Can anyone explain what’s happening in the gulf West of Florida? It seems like it’s rotating, but it’s probably just something else... let me look some more.
  16. Even though it probably doesn’t mean much this far out, it’s relieving to watch it flip from warmer to colder slowly after each run.
  17. Your comment completely contradicts the tweet from above... did you type that correctly?
  18. Now, I’m a student, and I want a ton of snow too. On December 9th and 10th of this past winter we had that storm that gave the Central Virginia area around 10” of snow. They had the roads plowed so quickly that it was pretty disappointing we had to be back to class so quickly. I’m hoping for a lot of storms that drop just enough to close for a few days, but not enough for them to feel the need to plow off the side roads. After that storm though, there wasn’t a single snow storm as far as i can remember... just rain, and may some snow that accumulated north of Central VA.
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