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Everything posted by Rhino16

  1. Frick... I could have said it could take the next one...
  2. There’s another now, so if this one doesn’t, you’ll have another chance.
  3. It is, I think with being outside constantly, that fifteen minutes or so after I put it on is enough time where the new sunscreen isn’t working yet, but I’m still able to get burnt. It’s just this small covering between my shirt and my neck covering too. Maybe time for a hat.
  4. I’m really bad with sunscreen... I must get better or I will be cooked my the end of July. Being outside from 8am-5pm+ is very tiring.
  5. There are Jellyfish out already... got stung early this year...
  6. Summer birthdays are the better ones, but birthdays in any other season are great because they are an excuse to step back from the mountain of work that sometimes happens. Even better if they happen right before a snowstorm. On a different note, any day now, the garbage long range monthly models will start messing with us by waving good looking winter months in our face, but we all know they will never happen.
  7. Saw these earlier today, rained pretty hard afterwards. Forum rotated the image 90°...
  8. Is wednesday looking to be the most interesting at the moment? Knowing here, that will drop real fast if I mention it. Edit:To me, The days mentioned in the long text above seem the most interesting at the moment... I’ll go slowly through this, instead of rush and get overhyped.
  9. They are moving so slowly. What would be a 5 minute shower is hopefully going to be a 20-30 minute shower.
  10. Solid proof that having an account on a weather forum causes weather to avoid you. What more do you need? I’ll be deleting my account now /s
  11. You can’t trick me! You painted that!
  12. Do you ever switch a dish every so often, or maybe add a twist to a meal in the rotation? Beef is a good choice because you can use it in a bunch of different ways, as shown by the burgers and meatloaf. Didn’t finish the burgers? Break them up, toss them into the spaghet. It’s all fun and games until you dig some green freezer burnt mystery meat out of the freezer.
  13. Is it very beef forward?
  14. Apparently there were a few Portuguese Man O Wars floating up recently... maybe the rain will stop that for a bit and make them go away.
  15. To the People who say complaining doesn’t get you anything, I complained earlier about the lack of storms, and we have an epic storm right now.
  16. Yep... going through the gap of light garbage rain, while the thunderstorms Go both north and south. How were yesterdays storms up there? What were they like? I’ve forgotten what a good storm is like.
  17. I think I’m going to go through this gap between these storms north and south of me... then it will probably be quiet again for another month. Every single storm has pretty much misses us in the past month... something about northern and southeastern VA looks tasty for the storms or something, during both summer and winter.
  18. Maybe it will be a gross jellyfish year? Egh...
  19. I’m kind of confused, is the tongue of below average temp water in the pacific just below the Niño region? Or are the measurements taken in some way that make them warmer than the area appears to be? Because the area looks cold, but the numbers don’t look that low...
  20. Who angered the HMNI? It wanted some food too!
  21. I’m being teased with distant thunder after many days of clear, nice, hot weather. I need something different, and the thunder is a mean thing to do...
  22. I hope we can get something interesting down closer to Richmond soon. It’s been pretty boring weather-wise. Nice, but boring. Friday - Sat looks possible.
  23. 15-20k? That has to be close to the instability on Jupiter?
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