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Everything posted by Rhino16

  1. It’s odd, a lot of teachers seem to have kids, so it’s interesting that a lot want to stay home. Hopefully everything goes well for them.
  2. Are they making it SLGT due to the rain we’re still having from this system, or more storms in the afternoon? edit: nevermind, read the text thingy. The thunder lasted forever, and was very loud.
  3. A lot of my teachers were older, so they would definitely be at risk. If they weren’t able to show up for some reason, I don’t know who’d replace them. We can’t just have some random person who’s teaching for the first time come in and teach AP Calc... not going to work. It might, but once you reach Related Rates, it will all go downhill.
  4. Luckily, as mentioned earlier, the NHC may be providing lemonade with the lemons they will be harvesting later. New ones ripening every 6 hours! 2-8 am/pm! 1% off if you buy now! (Forecasters need money too y’know! Lemonade ain’t cheap.)
  5. The NHC’s lemon farm is up and running as of 2pm at least...
  6. The weather will be waiting for your decision, as I cannot make that for you. Shall you choose to stay, the weather you so badly want will arrive wherever you aren’t.
  7. I’m tracking the location of the nearest Air Conditioned area... so, really just wall to wall heat for a bit.
  8. Unlike others, this year is so backwards that I an entirely expecting to get more snow than last year. Just make sure no one buys any snow shovels and other equipment because that makes the snow go away for some reason.
  9. Seemed like it, had me worried for a sec...
  10. In this storm over the NNK right now, it’s pretty cool. Windy, amazing lightning too.
  11. And your air conditioning, am I right?
  12. How high up was it at the time it was taken?
  13. Too friggin hot today... no wind at all until 3pm or so, which meant no sailing. It picked up in the afternoon, so the entire day wasn’t a waste. Surprised no sunburn, a hat really helps.
  14. That’s good. I don’t think many areas in central va have gotten 3” yet this month. Glad locations everywhere else are doing better.
  15. There’s those 11 years of positive NAO starting 1903 which was probably okay, I don’t think anyone needed snow back then... or maybe they did... they just wouldn’t be sitting on a weather forum complaining about the snowflakes that fell last year which they could count on two hands.
  16. And maybe 2 months and 3 weeks before you get to bust out the rakes and brooms to pick up those colorful leaves.
  17. Just bought RadarScope the other day... no more rain for me until next year!
  18. Hawaii gets snow too... you can ski there.
  19. It might be an evening thing this week instead of a morning one...
  20. Has anyone stepped outside to see the Comet yet? The previous week you could see it really early in the morning, Tomorrowish you’ll be able to see it in the evening once it’s dark.
  21. No... it can’t be... All the kids usually want snow so school will close, but if school is online, then it will snow 3 feet each week because you cannot really close online school. Calling it now.
  22. The southeastern one started one in January, and they’ve had better winters recently than we have!
  23. Aren’t the winter storms named by one of the point and click weather apps so they get website traffic to their website?
  24. Kind of like the “Huroncane”?
  25. You all got rain? What’s that?
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