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Everything posted by Rhino16

  1. I’ve been preferring the GFS for precip for awhile now, at least since I started practicing forecasting. I really dislike when they all depict different solutions, I just don’t know how to handle that yet outside of a few hours.
  2. The rain earlier didn’t disappoint in the northern neck. Perhaps not the best birthday weather but eh. Ready for round 2 later. It didn’t seem to soak in but rather run off.
  3. It’s strange. The reflectivities over me are about 26 dBZ, but the rain seems to be coming at a decent rate. Still patchy showers though. Taking whatever I can get. Hasn’t rained anything meaningful since the 4th.
  4. 90/76 probably too far east to get any precip until 2am or so, by which point it will probably be nothing fun.
  5. Glad I’m not in Raleigh, hit 106 yesterday apparently.
  6. According to the radar status on radarscope, RNK radar might have been hit by lightning so it isn’t working well. edit: apparently it’s rain not lightning.
  7. Is it normal for what seems to be a little bit of convection still happening while Beryl is over the Yucatan? Not a whole lot, but a little?
  8. I drove down 81 from staunton to Blacksburg on the 15th of June, and was amazed at how green it was. Driving back the same way on the 1st, I wasn’t even sure I was going the right way.
  9. Back in drought land from the great plains. Apparently we reached Geomagnetic G4 conditions earlier today…
  10. No tornados today, but did see some cool stuff over Iowa!
  11. Thanks, I’m not alone, with a big group along with some awesome professionals.
  12. Maybe you’re onto something, i never saw a welcome sign!
  13. Would be mean to not share pics. This was from Hawk Springs, Wyoming today!
  14. In Kansas chasing for a bit. No tornadoes today, but decent shelf. More cool stuff to come!
  15. Getting a light rain that’s waking up the frogs. No thunder though… the line broke up before getting here, continuing the storm curse I have.
  16. Been cloudy all day again in the northern neck, less sun than yesterday. It’s 82ish, don’t know how we reach 87.
  17. There’s a lot of cool .edu weather sites out there, I’m going to try to find them all!
  18. Maybe here? I don’t know what type of file it would be, but it looks right, and you can sort by WFO. https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/cow/sbwsum.phtml
  19. I don’t know if anyone really thought a watch would be necessary this morning. The LWX 2:39pm AFD mentions unimpressive shear across the area, while the 9:45pm AFD uses words to suggest more shear. So my guess would be that shear is a bit more impressive than expected.
  20. Been parked at 79° all day in the NNK, and dews lower 70s. Cloudy with hints of sun but nothing lasting.
  21. Does WB show what climatology it is using? edit: actually this wouldn’t necessarily be the reason it’s wrong, especially if the other models agree with each other…
  22. 2.0 _ 1.5 _ 1.8 __ 3.0 _ 3.2 _ 2.1 __ 5.0 _ 5.5 _ 1.5 101 _ 100 _ 99 __ 102 _ 102 _ 106 __ 100 _ 115 _ 98
  23. I guess an outflow boundary brought me a nice shelf cloud and some noisy winds, a shower behind it is bringing some breezy rain. Super welcome.
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