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Everything posted by Rhino16

  1. I love how RadarScope shows you warnings from everywhere so you can watch storms. (Like the tornado Warning in Canaan for example)
  2. And what’s the weird snake-like Thing doing near virginia beach making it’s way north? Looks like an outflow puff(?) that’s making the snake?
  3. I’m glad to know someone else also says HerDerps...
  4. I like to believe, (even though there is no scientific reason [as far as I know])that as long as we feel something tropical cyclone related, we will get at least 1 decent snow for the winter.
  5. And if you look to your clock, you’ll see it’s nine minutes til’ 5. Thanks for joining us on ScreenTours Clock Edition!
  6. Is there something wrong with the Wakefield Radar?
  7. ICON deserves a hug during these times...
  8. 0z Para GFS is the one for all you ‘s out there!
  9. Anyone know where to get more info about what’s happening with GOES-16? It Seems to be having problems?
  10. Don’t talk to me or my son ever again!
  11. I think I want to go back to the 2009-10 section, not the 10-11 part. Maybe on the way back i’ll stop by 1996 or something.
  12. Once hurricane season is over, i’m going to time travel back to 2010 for the season. Feel free to reap me in the present time. I’ll be back at the end of march or something.
  13. From now on, I’ll be calling it “lightening” to upset everything and everyone.
  14. What if there’s so many they just keep the moisture at a decent level the whole time... no dryness ever. We’ll just have this road of moisture, paved by the cyclones, for the cyclones.
  15. So... Are UFOs in the forecast now? Will the new possible extraterrestrials have a suite in the Panic Room this winter?
  16. Scam storm with lightning, humid, blegh.
  17. Okay, I’m salty now. This storm is moving my direction, but the edge just keeps disintegrating each time it gets closer, so no progress is being made. The thunder is loud, probably because of that temperature inversion thing or whatever, if it’s late enough for that.
  18. What the heck... there was a storm that was 10(?) miles or so southwest of me, and it stayed there for the longest time, now it’s just gone! It looked good too...
  19. I don’t think the past 9.5 years are being used yet right? When will they be added does anyone have a guess?
  20. We were given a schedule to show how online could work for the first quarter, With high school for example: it starts at 9am with first block, they give you a 10 minute advisory just before, in between blocks there are 10 minutes, instead of the usual 5 Like during in person where you’d have to walk to your other class, lunch is still 30 minutes, i guess you get a 30 minute study hall time(?) and then final block of the day.
  21. If you’re really curious, and it hasn’t been answered yet, a fortnite skin changes the way your character, and their weapons look. It does nothing else but cosmetically change your character. You don’t get a single advantage over anyone else. Kids eat those thing up like candy, maybe even more than candy.
  22. Still 91 here... i want some rain... looks like it will slide to the north of us, unless the furthest part gets some strength to come this way... if you’re listening storm, there’s plenty of food in the air over here!
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