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Everything posted by Rhino16

  1. Also, now I’m seeing MPing reports which weren’t showing on the previous version, so that’s cool I guess.
  2. Radarscope has an update available in the iOS App Store by the way...
  3. Snowshoe is pretty much in October if I remember correctly the past two seasons. Was also just messing around, but should have clarified.
  4. A few days ago it showed 36 or so for that time... September snow chase if it gets a little colder?
  5. Tornado Warning for Lunenburg and Mecklenburg VA Edit: Apparently this started over half an hour ago, and I didn’t notice.
  6. I miss that blue stuff in the top left corner... Back on topic though, This will be interesting to watch, the Parallel really wants this to happen.
  7. Same! I’m probably being punished for the amount of rain we already have down here...
  8. Can rain “run out” before it reaches a certain location? Because I think that’s going to happen.
  9. Finally might get some rain in the next few hours as I’ve been awoken multiple times by thunder overnight, the only rain was for about 2 minutes or so.
  10. Watching a lightning show to the north... constant lightning. Nothing here for awhile though, if at all.
  11. I was missed to the south... can hear faint thunder, and see lightning far away. Today was hot.
  12. It gave the mountains in West Virginia nearly 3 feet of snow... ruined it in the best way possible for the people there...
  13. Especially on steak! (That will start a real fire)
  14. I think it was today that looked good on SPC the other day, now there’s nothing? Maybe I was looking at the wrong day...
  15. I’m probably going to be missed by a very slow moving storm, it’ll probably slip north by 2 miles or so. I think I can already hear the thunder from it... Edit: it heard me post that, it’s now disintegrating.
  16. Us being humans, we definitely would automatically assume the closest is the most in danger. It isn’t until you study a bit, and think about it, that you realize that we don’t have the slightest clue where that thing is going until at least 3 days before.
  17. That thing could scrape out a swath from the corner of florida near Tallahassee all the way to SW Virginia. I would assume the eye would be probably twice as large at least. Fun to look at though and imagine “what if”... no it isn’t because I just did.
  18. How many days until the GFS poops out that classic 18” snowstorm it always does in the fall?
  19. If we get any tropical storm effects in the coming weeks after all the rain, central Virginia isn’t going to have fun. A squirrel sneeze, (or seal? One might have been seen in the James River the other day...) will be enough to send any tree onto its side.
  20. That line of storms connected and now there is no gap. Looks to be pretty strong, but quick. I’ll take it, whenever it gets here.
  21. There’s two strong storms northwest and southwest of me that I’ll probably go right between unless something fires up in the middle of them before they get here.
  22. In your opinion, which year had the weirdest tropical storm tracks? My pick has to be 2004, because so many of them took weird turns and did loops and weird things like that.
  23. Woke up to loud rain... not sure if wind was involved, but it was a quick 10 minutes of downpour.
  24. It’s terrible around the richmond area and everything surrounding it... They don’t need anymore rain.
  25. If I remember correctly, lightning creates Ozone? So they are good for something?
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