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Everything posted by Rhino16

  1. Does anyone have any idea of what the particles in the sky on this webcam are?
  2. Tiebreaker would turn into a Tiemelter at that point.
  3. One of snowshoe’s webcams has some flying stuff on it... Might be dust, might be flakes... it’s apparently 39 up there as of 9:49 so who knows.
  4. Wow, It’s only 7:30 but it’s not that bright out... hurry up real winter.
  5. Now that we have a first freeze competition, we need a competition to see when the last pumpkin spice product leaves the shelves.
  6. BWI: November 3rd IAD: November 1st DCA: November 1st RIC November 4th TB: Warmest October Temperature: 77°F
  7. I’ve always kind of thought for no reason whatsoever, that whenever we get a tropical storm we usually get some decent snow. (By decent, I just mean not like last year.) I’m pretty sure it’s false, if anything I thought I read something about there being less...
  8. There’s a lot of disagreement in the comments. Are the states that have places of both El Niño and La Niña favored because of some outlier during a winter? I’m also assuming that just means for temperatures, but I don’t think they clarified what “Best Winter Weather” means...
  9. It must have sucked to be someone who loves snow in Richmond during the 1993 storm... only 3.5 inches, probably washed away by rain. They did it 966mb at the airport though...
  10. I’m ready to watch North Carolina get a foot of snow, while leaving Virginia and north with nothing. Also, the stuff on this website (I’m sure it’s been posted a ton by now over time) is interesting. They made all the graphs, but it seems like they had to mention each time the data was above average for snowfall, because of some event that dumped a ton of snow everywhere. I do find it interesting that the Moderate Niña winters had usually close to average snowfall, and temperatures.
  11. Too early for that, wait until real winter when there will be even less snow than that.
  12. We need a digital now thread for WV now!
  13. Does it actually happen though? The GFS always freaks out and says it will, but of course it never does. I think it did this past year iirc.
  14. Those 15 inches of rain were pretty boring. Not a lot of thunder this summer from what I can remember.
  15. Not sure About that, but you might find a few screenshots a few pages back on here.
  16. The stuff in WV is going to miss me to the south it seems unless the little light stuff at the top of it gets stronger. This is how weather is where I live. The magic forcefield.
  17. To me, that’s scary looking. But, I don’t know a ton. Edit: Just as I posted, Tornado warning.
  18. Let’s see what it does, I’m not too confident though.
  19. I wouldn’t complain, the storm yesterday disintegrated and went south as well. Hopefully I’m just far enough north to get a little bit.
  20. Hope so down here in central virginia where we had... at most 0.8inches where I am? Couldn’t take measurements because it was gone before I could get home both times.
  21. They’re probably doing all the math themselves on a chalkboard because the models are so unstable lately...(hopefully not, that would be a lot of differential equations!)
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