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Everything posted by Rhino16

  1. Important note since someone brought them up: I believe their website says, they only have a limited amount of Silver Creek Only passes for certain days, the rest of them are sold out.
  2. Yeah. It hasn’t gotten above 40 at all and seemed to stay near 35 in my area...
  3. Heck... Mine will be hate filled for anyone who at least got a cloudy day— I. am. done. with. rain. It’s not even heavy rain, just “meh” rain.
  4. Rain drop size has remained steady, not really loving this. Hopefully January is a bit nicer to me.
  5. Rain has started for the day in Richmond... i’m so excited..... be sure to send in your patio furniture accumulation measurement images. None of that real met gear, blegh.
  6. Or rain, depending on location. Hopefully the track is just mega wrong, and rewards everyone nicely. The school closings are already rolling in...
  7. If a giant storm happens this year, and I’m out of town, ooohhh you’d better be ready for RAGE.
  8. It better stay on the ground until I get up there... hope something happens while I’m there so I can be relieved of snow drought...
  9. At least it isn’t Related Rates, or Trigonometric Integrals...
  10. Hopefully January and February do well too! I don’t want anymore rain...
  11. I want to see all of your measurements taken on your patio furniture. Forget about being legit for just this once. Send in those snowy tables.
  12. What are you all thinking for down in Richmond? Painful 33 and rain?
  13. 0z CMC was some snow for me, 33 and rain as well, maybe some ice. Maybe some higher resolution would change everything. I kind of believe that’s what happened in 2018 down here when only a few expected a ton of snow. Sadly, NoVa got nothing, maybe this is just payback for that...
  14. Was supposed to be Holistic, and I’ve yet to hear of anyone without SATs being accepted, even though they said not having them wouldn’t hurt you. 4.0 GPA wasn’t required, It just wasn’t high enough. I also didn’t have many extra curricular activities, nor any leadership positions really, and my course rigor was pretty weak. I will NOT be a weenie any longer... at least an uneducated one.
  15. Does he just come here and read these after the fact?
  16. Just bring it south! I want an early start to winter break after all this so far. Hope January goes well with snow as well.
  17. Got my first school rejection... next! Virginia is a hard state for schools when you don’t have a 4.0, and you want to do atmospheric sciences...
  18. @mappy it’s fine, I’ll probably get cold rain, so you’re not alone in here!
  19. Ow, Yall get your entire seasons worth in NoVa, we down here get nothing. Special, maybe a power outage from ice. Maybe I’m crapping on ice storms here, but they don’t seem as entertaining as snow.
  20. 12z CMC at Hour 150... Maybe it’s because I’ve had hotdogs for lunch almost every day this week.
  21. CMC is what we all want. Anything else from the main models is 33 and rain for me. Imagine that with the probably school rejections coming in... Edit: But, it has plenty of time to change, the old euro ensembles aren’t terrible.
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