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Everything posted by Rhino16

  1. There’s yellows south of me, and north of me, and I look outside and see... nothing. Not even a flake. I think I accidentally got too close and breathed in some dust from the blinds
  2. I can’t tell if they actually thought that would happen or not, but some seemed to believe the much higher totals. Hard to tell by looking at a ton of letters on a screen. Update: No snow yet, not even a flake.
  3. And another coming next weekend, bring it on February! I’m not scared!
  4. No... I don’t have a fitting rain jacket.
  5. If it’s gonna bust, it better go all the way. I’m here to see that. I don’t care for another dusting really. Edit: It seems to be moving quick? Not sure, it looks like this first bit is zooming on Radar
  6. Alllmost here. I’m just gonna listen to music and check the porch lights only occasionally.
  7. Y’all can hug anyone you want, but the WRF-ARW2 is giving me the first hug I’ve had in over a year... I feel a special bond between us.
  8. We still have a winter storm warning in Henrico... not sure how, but I doubt we see enough to fulfill that.
  9. Just... close your eyes when the rain starts... or use it as an opportunity to clean, get some work done, whatever! Ignore the rain.
  10. I’m starting to agree that 3-3.5” is going to be near our total. We’ll see once it gets here, and after the rain, who knows what. I’m about ready to start searching for the next threat, but won’t pass up the ability to Nowcast
  11. Is anyone else hearing this airplane? It’s definitely been over half an hour of it just circling... NAM was okay to me, only glanced at it because I’m tired, maybe I missed something.
  12. This airplane has been flying in circles for like an hour and it’s driving me coocoo-crazy Also, a hot air balloon was seen today... was cool.
  13. My thingy says 35°, but It is close to the house, so I’ll hope it’s actually closer to 30 in the middle of the street.
  14. Eating a very good Cranberry-Orange muffin topped with sugar.
  15. Soil is already pretty much 32 so that’s good. I did notice the slight south, but wasn’t paying attention to the strength.
  16. 36 so far in Tuckahoe hoping it stays cold. Oop, 37 now.
  17. I’m nervous for the Drizzle and Frizzle, but I hope they stay on the lower end. And really? January 33rd? Is this some old joke that I don’t get, or just sillyness?
  18. Now there’s a Winter Storm Warning for Western areas including Chesterfield and the City.
  19. I never saw a Winter Storm Warning to begin with, did I miss that?
  20. 4-5 is eh... Don’t like that lower amount with any possible rain.
  21. I think if everyone steps outside, and walks south, it will come south just enough. We all know storms can sense our location and dump amounts where we were just a day or two ago.
  22. Would that much snow cause damage? I mean... We are the same people hoping to see tornadoes in summertime so... (anyway, back on topic)
  23. I’ll wait for the euro, then probably cry myself to sleep or something. I say this with a smile on my face.
  24. Someone answered that Here at this link, not a ton of info out there on it, but the math makes sense to me.
  25. UK looked decent so far, not done yet, but I like it. Nothing as ridiculous as the CMC, but I don’t need to tell you all that.
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