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Everything posted by Rhino16

  1. If time is money, is an ATM a time machine?
  2. I could tell an ice storm had probably happened even though I didn’t know for sure, only because the trees were in pretty bad shape. It looked pretty crazy.
  3. It must be amazing up there! Is everything staying plowed decently if you’ve had the ability to see?
  4. I don’t think I know the rules for snowfall... what is necessary to be eliminated?
  5. These clumps of flakes are falling... massive! Dime sized? It only gets heavier. Watching them explode on impact is fun. If this were a snowball fight, anyone outside would lose.
  6. I’m guessing what’s falling is wet snow that occasionally clumps together. Kind of heavyish.
  7. Rain and a little sleet so far. This was a bust down here in my opinion, and I was worried about that.
  8. This is annoying not having the Wakefield radar up because of that maintenance.
  9. How far up can the temperature be above freezing before it starts to melt? I’ve seen some snow at really warm temperatures before, really surprising. Maybe it depends on a bunch of things?
  10. Wasn’t it pretty warm before that December storm 2 years ago too?
  11. No. Scared! Terrified. But i’ll forget everything once it starts falling.
  12. It’s better than last year. There wasn’t much on the ground last year up there. Totally different world if you compare it to then.
  13. Odd right now. I could definitely see a Winter Storm Warning being issued later at least for the west end in case we happen to get any heavier bands. Interested to see what happens!
  14. For future reference, Is it possible to save a map from SV to your photos on mobile?
  15. Frick... At least warn us next time. Not everyone was sitting down. Hopefully the rain-snow line isn’t that far north. It’s always a battle with that thing. If it could come south a little bit, we’d be good down here.
  16. Winter Storm Watch now in place. They got ripped a new one on instagram by all the students. They then say “Well if it happened on a monday, we’d give you a snowday.” And then that sunday after the snow had fallen, they posted roughly saying: “Snow days will still be a thing if conditions allow for it. We also think the joy of a snow day is important blah blah blah”
  17. Don’t waste your time sending it to Henrico, they won’t care to give anyone a snow day. Everyone is still upset from last time. @wasnow215, I like the writeup! Amounts sound realistic, and overall it’s very professional sounding to read!
  18. The Canadian shows no sleet which is weird, and it doesn’t offer soundings, so I can’t tell if it’s supposed to be there. (Which I assume it is)
  19. Ew, that’s a lot of sleet. Still time, so we’ll see what happens.
  20. Holy 0z ICON... Unrelated question: Would a NW trend also move the rain-snow line NW too? I feel like that should be obvious, but my brain doesn’t work well right now. I wrote the word example earlier as “expmple”.
  21. So, am I understanding correctly that the 12z Euro and 12z Parallel GFS have 2 storms in there? The farther out one isn’t important to me at the moment. Just nice to see.
  22. Ooh... that’s really close to RIC right now, I’d be probably half a mile from the rain-snow line. Hopefully it’s a little colder. Wait! EW It’s the ICON. Disregard last statement.
  23. Nooooo! My spot in the snowfall contest! (Actually this is exactly what I planned. I know if I guessed low, it would go high)
  24. Feel better soon... Your days of gloom will arrive. For now, keep waiting with your friend in the attic [Pic from u/LordByrum]
  25. Reaper’s having chest pains after that 18z GFS run I bet.
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