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Everything posted by Rhino16

  1. There seemed to be some smoke in the air here in the northern neck earlier. Think something not too far away was burning.
  2. Do you mean so far or something else? Because it’s only July 6th! Interested to see what late summer brings.
  3. I’m in the NNK at the moment, so maybe I’ll get some gusts or something. Went home for Isaias, and there were tornados here. Hopefully none of that because I want to go to a party on Friday. Or maybe it can be moved to another day, but still.
  4. Even if it’s kind of a pile of mush by the time it gets here, would tornados be a risk do you think, or just some breezy rain? I don’t like the idea of it passing through at night time.
  5. I think you can smell it if you’ve ever turned on one of those Plasma Globes, or sometimes if you can put on a really staticy sweater even.
  6. Happy Birthday! Lots of summer birthdays here I guess.
  7. Pfsh. She’ll just run away like in the movie.
  8. Kinda like Chlorine, but also somewhat Fruity? Kind of a weird smell that I can’t describe well.
  9. Oddly, seems like the fireworks are over already. Only 10:43PM which is odd. I remember them going much later in previous years. Maybe I’m just older or they really are done early. Whatever.
  10. A little old, but it seems everyone is / was a bit confused. From the NHC Elsa Discussion 16: 500 AM EDT Sun Jul 04 2021 ”The last pass from the Air Force Hurricane Hunters provided interesting and somewhat confusing data on Elsa.”
  11. Thanks. Thought it might have been the same thing.
  12. Do storms usually get that large burst in the evenings? I remember something similar happening with a storm last year.
  13. It’s so fast! I do like it. It’s easier to click some things too on mobile. Edit: One thing I will say, on mobile at least, the title of the thread isn’t visible as it’s white. It is there though, as I can copy and paste it. I guess the logo at the top left is white too, as I can barely see the outline of the lightning bolt. Maybe still a work in progress so far, but I like it.
  14. WHAT IS THIS?! AAHH. Anyways, what did you all do during the downtime? I made every weather enthusiast’s favorite dish, Beanie Weenies! Edit: Guess it wasn’t loaded all the way or something. Better now though!
  15. That brought quite a strong tornado near me. None of us need that here this early. Or at all.
  16. Got really windy, but nothing as great as up there. Kind of a scam as it’s really nice looking after it passed. Did see some kinda-mammatus though. Edit: Hopeful for tomorrow though!
  17. Got really windy, but nothing as great as up there.
  18. Forgot fireflies were a thing. First time seeing them today, but I haven’t been looking outside at night time, so I don’t know when they started emerging.
  19. Storms are going to the west of me unfortunately. Guess they’re going north but just west enough that they’ll miss.
  20. Some heavy rain earlier, still raining with a bit of thunder. The real soaking looks to start in a little bit here.
  21. Don’t look at hour 288 on 12z GFS... fantasyland... probably.
  22. I wanna move to up there... the weather down here is boring.
  23. Could it also be a cold air funnel? It’s hard to see the ground, so I can’t tell what’s happening.
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