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Everything posted by Rhino16

  1. Some nice breezy rain here, leaves flying a bit. No lightning though.
  2. Even though that would be a little bit useful for them, I don’t see Snowshoe opening by their target date this year (Nov. 24). Looks too warm. Unless they can really get snowmaking going, I’ll doubt it. Who knows though, hard to tell what the temperatures are like up there sometimes.
  3. Okay, the waking up isn’t an issue, I wake up much easier than others. At least I’d WANT to be up at 3:49AM doing that. Luckily, much better times next semester. It’s more the drive home I wouldn’t want to do at that time of day. Maybe I’ll take later classes next year, I just didn’t want to on my first year. I’d have to take BIO anyway, so may as well since it’s at better times.
  4. WHY do they make me take a semester of BIO 101 when I have made it clear that I want to go into WEATHER after transferring? I feel my time would be much better spent taking Physics. Unfortunately, the only Physics class they had was from like 7 to 8:55PM. Heck no! I’d need to be at an online class at 8 the next morning. Hopefully they have some new physics times next semester, but I’m starting to doubt it as last time I checked there were no physics courses for next semester yet, while other subjects had courses listed. Please school.
  5. Why so mean to RIC? Thanks... I guess...
  6. Rhino16

    Winter 2021-22

    Short Pump got the lower end of the slanted snow stick once again.
  7. BWI: 11/09 IAD: 11/05 DCA: 11/12 RIC: 11/07 TB: 0.87”
  8. Weird storms going NW, I’m going through a gap though and they’re moving slowly. So I guess I get entertainment thunder.
  9. Made it to just over π/2 radians outside today. Heat angle is too high.
  10. Rhino16

    Winter 2021-22

    That’s a good sign... right? Hopefully? To break all this bleakness?
  11. Strong storm with some gusty winds, and heavy rain. Probably the best storm I’ve seen since July. Edit: Really close lightning strike, I could see the orange on it.
  12. I saw some guy complaining that normal people don’t look at the SPC and don’t know what hatching means. Of course they don’t!
  13. For some reason, I woke up today and somewhat forgot that this happened until about lunch. I hope everyone and their friends and family are doing well. Ended up at probably close to 0.5” of rain yesterday down here.
  14. Second rain of the day. Guessing this brings me somewhere near half an inch for the day. It’s breezy too.
  15. I cannot believe... The yard 2 houses down just had a good 5 minutes of rain, and the ground at my house is dry. This happened earlier too now that I think about it. Sun’s out again.
  16. Short pump should keep an eye out...
  17. First rain shower of the day. Hopefully students make it home safely up there. I remember getting home at 9 oclock after that Florence event.
  18. What about that area near Beech Grove, does that look suspicious, or is it fine...
  19. Maybe not the worst idea. Maybe I’m glad I didn’t start classes out there this year...
  20. Tornado Warning for Bedford and Botetourt counties.
  21. Should I be happy with half an inch of rain tomorrow, or slightly frustrated? Can’t tell. Guess I’ll be able to watch from afar. Carroll County, VA has a tornado warning now.
  22. WHY do I keep typing severe with an S towards the end? Severse isn’t a word! Anyway, severe storm warning now, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the storm continues east and slides to the north of me. Edit: I was almost correct, getting a quick downpour, and the severe thunderstorm warning went away quite quickly. Much better storms to the north and south though. Edit2: The line has pretty much joined into one after it passed me. Yay for anyone who wants some rain east of Richmond I guess.
  23. 4 more days of 90s, then however many more of high 80s maybe more 90s. I don’t think it will rain here until Wednesday, even then, who knows. I was away the last time it rained here I think.
  24. Don’t scare me like that. I thought I just woke up and went back in time. I think you meant Ida.
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