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Everything posted by Rhino16

  1. I see now, checked a different site. They all show it somewhat differently.
  2. Not sure. Did you mean the 13z HRRR in your earlier post? If not, where are you seeing the NAM show those amounts?
  3. Do we think that will happen though? Radar doesn’t look too good compared to just north of us. Unless that heavier precip shifts south.
  4. I can’t seem to find where you see the fun stuff... Could you point me in the right direction?
  5. Kind of in a hole right now. Somewhat light.
  6. Sleet still falling, with a good layer on everything. Actually just switched to snow, hopefully for good. Decent sized clumps.
  7. Finally switched over, still some sleet, but I can see some large clumps.
  8. Sleet right now, maybe snow, maybe rain. Getting there.
  9. The power is flashing and buzzing outside my window, and it isn’t even snowing yet.
  10. I found a company that sells skull shaped toilets and urinals. Just thought you all would like to know.
  11. Raining again at snowshoe, maybe some small flakes mixed in, but rain.
  12. Merry Christmas, it’s 48° and wet at snowshoe. Gusty winds though.
  13. 49° at Snowshoe, and 0 snow on the ground. Some is possible tonight, so hopefully I’ll see something. 6:54 AM Monday Update: It is snowing! A coating of some measurement has fallen.
  14. I hope that 6z happens. It’d be great to have almost 2ft in the mountains. Maybe it could trap me there.
  15. Some very light sleet falling. I’ll have to take it.
  16. Whoa whoa whoa, hour 384 of GFS says not so fast.
  17. I should’ve changed RIC to 0.5” before the contest ended.
  18. Windy, seems like the leaves are going to be gone in a few days here.
  19. I don’t think there have been any really extreme digital events this season from what I can remember so far. Maybe that’s a good thing though, as it may show improvement.
  20. They’ve started making snow at Snowshoe earlier. Looks like a good week for it.
  21. BWI: 8” DCA: 8.5” IAD: 9.1” RIC: 10.5” Tiebreaker (LYH): 14.7”
  22. This was interesting to see.
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