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Everything posted by Rhino16

  1. Nope. Wouldn’t be me there. I’d be freaking out.
  2. Vernon Dvorak passed a few days ago at 93. What a cool weather guy.
  3. I don’t see what the historical data about storms landfalling in Tampa has to do with a storm today making landfall in Tampa. I don’t know if the data the models use is even that specific. I highly doubt it. I also don’t know if data that old would be effective anyways, as there are likely gaps in it because of unknown things at the time.
  4. “GOES data is running behind” is the message on TT.
  5. @GaWx thanks for your insane tracking on this the past couple days.
  6. Finally some heavy rain. Perhaps an area of rotation southeast of Short Pump to monitor too.
  7. I agree that a hurricane may cause deaths more directly, but snow causes plenty of deaths too. A single snowflake won’t do it sure. But someone who needs to shovel that snow could die from a heart attack. People who have no choice but to go to work could die on the way there. It depends where you live for sure too.
  8. Finally get to see some rain. We haven't had anything significant for awhile.
  9. Does the second blob add anything interesting to this, or will it likely just dissipate?
  10. If it were to stay a sheared mess for a longer period, does that make it less likely to recurve out to sea?
  11. I really like how that storm in the pacific on the 12z gfs goes perfectly up the Gulf of California for a little bit.
  12. Rhino16

    Winter 2022-23

    I saw him lurking yesterday. Didn’t post anything, but their name was listed at the bottom of the page. I’m sure they’re alright.
  13. Yeah, second year at community. Getting this math/science stuff out of the way.
  14. First day of classes this evening, so that will be fun. Hopefully my last year before I get to start the fun weather classes next fall if everything goes well.
  15. The storm to the west dissolved the part coming my direction and continues to slide west. I’m just on the edge of the green and yellow precip but there’s no rain still. 3:49pm Edit: there we go. A little light rain has begun.
  16. Another day with another rainstorm only a mile away but not moving any closer. I can hear constant thunder though.
  17. Now we have an orange! Question though: at what strength does shear become an issue for storms? It looks like there’s a lot of it, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to let up for awhile. (Correct me if I’m wrong)
  18. Upped to 30% through 5 days as of the 2PM update.
  19. Still no rain here yet. The storms keep popping up just north of me. Home is getting drenched though.
  20. Hopefully I can get some of this rain to the NNK… storms seem to just fizzle and break when they get close.
  21. Rhino16

    Winter 2022-23

    Was Tambora in 1815 the eruption that caused “The Year without a summer”? I assume that’s what you are describing as the weird effects in 1816.
  22. This storm has some of the most intense lightning I’ve seen so far.
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