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Everything posted by Rhino16

  1. Looks like you all got more than us, which looks like what was modeled closer to the event, guess we’ll see later.
  2. Short Pump snow hole doing work then… that sucks. At least I don’t need to change majors.
  3. If short pump gets more snow than blacksburg, I’m changing majors to something other than meteorology.
  4. I bet you see more than we did out here. If so, I quit meteorology and will be changing majors.
  5. I don’t know what’s happening, but it’s still going here despite clear radar…
  6. Snow is about to end in Blacksburg with a trace, best of luck to y’all at home. Thanks for the rainfall updates.
  7. Finally snowing here! Large flakes maybe some rain still… but almost done switching.
  8. 42.8 already in Blacksburg. Dropping surprisingly quick.
  9. It’s smiling at me. It has that look that means we’re in for snow! edit: same thoughts as above
  10. So far, I think my rainfall for tomorrow was too much, and we’ll get most of that today, if any. Heavy stuff approaching. At 0.56” for the day at airport.
  11. NAM has 0” for me now, still happy to see a few flakes hopefully.
  12. It thundered this morning as it moved through.
  13. Yeah that will be interesting. I didn’t mind the snow for richmond due to the small amounts. Here in Blacksburg though, I’m a bit more excited.
  14. My RIC Predictions: 10th: Hi/Lo: 66/45 Precip: 1.91" 11th: Hi/Lo: 51/30 Precip: 0.71"
  15. Hope to see flakes on the end of that here in blacksburg, will attempt another forecast for RIC on Saturday.
  16. Just from some forecasting I’ve done over the past few weeks, the GFS has done very well on precipitation. I’m terrible at temperatures though, but that’s because of the situations we’ve been given each week. Also agree the Euro has been not as great. Sometimes however, it will be 5° warmer than anything else and somehow be the closest. I’m trying to get some practice in to see when and when not to trust it.
  17. Which option should I dial to panic over southeast ridge troubles?
  18. There’s also like 30-40mph gusts so walking to class will be great.
  19. Snowing at blacksburg, it’s somewhat of a surprise.
  20. How cold is the western subsurface normally in other strong events around this time? What’s the depth to watch, 0-300m?
  21. Fall never really gives us anything to hint at a snowy winter here, models look much better than last winter already, so I’m hopeful for something better than last winter. edit: and from what i’ve heard, late starts aren’t uncommon with niños, however, I haven’t looked at the stats for that.
  22. Hopefully the cold lovers down there get their cold too.
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