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Everything posted by Prospero

  1. Maybe it is a new way they are doing it. We not even seen a Greater than 6 feet prediction before since I have been here.
  2. I've lived in Gulfport, FL for 16 years and have never seen a storm surge prediction of over 9 feet here before. That would create a real problem in the Tampa Bay area.
  3. If I lived in Gulfport, MS I would be paying attention. But I live in Gulfport, FL and we will be watching from here.
  4. Here is one weather station that was paying attention:
  5. Oooops, it must have become a tornado based on the power outage map.
  6. Intense here right now. https://thegabber.com/gulfport-florida-beach-webcam/
  7. We have an eye? https://www.wunderground.com/wundermap?radar=1&wxstn=0&wxstnmode=tw
  8. Looks like Johns Pass! https://www.hubbardsmarina.com/johnspasscamera/ Good thing they cleared everybody out earlier! https://www.wfla.com/news/pinellas-county/johns-pass-clears-of-people-as-flooding-moves-in-ahead-of-tropical-storm-debby/
  9. TS conditions at Albert Whitted Airport downtown St. Petersburg, FL:
  10. Feels like intensification here. During the next break in rain I'll go out and close the remaining two hurricane shutters facing west that I did not expect we'd need to close. But late tonight when the winds change direction there may be some debris flying around. I am sure the storm surge tomorrow will open some eyes.
  11. One of the amazing things about this storm is that it is happening on a Sunday during the day. The last daytime storm I can remember might be Debby from 2012. At least a dozen Tropical Storms and Hurricanes have passed by here after dark which is no fun to watch. All day since I woke up I have been watching and enjoying the wind and rain. Tonight will likely be worse, but at least I got to see the sideways rain and our trees dance.
  12. Being pounded right now. Best TS in the past few years for watching. https://thegabber.com/gulfport-casino-web-cam/
  13. Oh my! I see so much dry air coming in! It may bring the end of the constant rain where I live (arrow). The wind is picking up and at some point the tide will come in. Yet we may even see some sky tonight before it gets dark.
  14. Strongest band of the day over us right now. If it were not for Duke Energy replacing all the poles in town last year after Idalia, our power would already be out for days. As it is right now, if we do not lose power tonight me and my wife will be very happy indeed! We have our flashlights and battery operated fans on hand. The fridge is stocked with beer to be cold. In fact, I will restock what I have had this afternoon... Wooo doggie! It's a blowin' out there!
  15. We have been very lucky, yet at my home we have lost two large oak trees in our yard enduring weeks without power with Hermine, Irma, Ian, and Idalia with gusts in the area of 70 to 80+ with each. Even our annual Tropical Storms that bring needed rain to Pinellas County in the Tampa Bay area include some gusts at 60 mph at least. Downtown Gulfport gets flooded with storm surge almost every storm. Tell the owners of the stores downtown that have to clean up and make up losses what you feel. Its just saltwater, though. Right?
  16. I think you have my first Weenie response. LOL No offense, but I've shared some. Now a gust of 71 from a good weather station is recorded. BTW, I recommend SailFlow for weather nerds like me on the coast. I pay for Pro and I don't expect that offers me the rights to clip and share screenshots.
  17. We are getting a good band here in Gulfport right now. https://thegabber.com/gulfport-casino-web-cam/
  18. Sanibel Island cam: https://islandinnsanibel.com/sanibel-island-beach-cam/?utm_source=SanCapChamber&utm_medium=beachcam&utm_campaign=SanCapChamber
  19. We can see the surf starting to kick up in Naples. https://www.earthcam.com/usa/florida/naples/?cam=naplespier
  20. There has been some dry air in our part of Florida. Its been hot and muggy, yet dry enough that thunderstorms have been subdued. Still feels like a strong storm a brewin'...
  21. It must be time to say, "I see an eye!" LOL
  22. Debby and the GOM are ready to party.
  23. A long way away in Pinellas County feeling the wind already, it appears to be a very large storm. With moon tides I wonder if the storm surges will be higher than expected. Seems like a lot of rotation happening that could push up a little bit of the Gulf of Mexico into low areas.
  24. I think I may have been wrong anyway. LOL Hermine might have been in my memory.
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