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Everything posted by Prospero

  1. LOL! I knew I went low on named storms. A few surprised me; Anna, Bill, Claudette, and Danny. Elsa, Fred, and Grace were maybe in my numbers. Henri is another surprise. So for me to win, almost every named storm will be hurricane and mostly a major. Figuring late September and October start, I was likely way off. August did fire up a bit. Good thing I am not a met with people depending on my predictions!
  2. Was it Josh who last year was in a rental car down there sharing videos and banging up the car?
  3. Good luck with the site. Hopefully we are not all going there because of a major in TX this year.
  4. Is anybody there to take photos in Mexico? Or are you talking about visible sats?
  5. Looks like there is a window of time before landfall. Convection looks strong. I'm ready backwards on posts to catch up...
  6. WTF Guess I have been away too long.
  7. Yes. Laura had an awesome eye during the 24 hours leading up to landfall. It did. Zeta and Eta had more impressive perfect eyes as it approached the Yucatan.
  8. Best eyes of the year last year were the ones that pounded the Yucatan coast. Couple out in the Atlantic that we watched as well. But the ones that came in late season were very impressive and were devastating to that area.
  9. Sorry for not paying attention, having to do day job work catching up. Fred screwed up my schedule. But did Grace ever get a real visible eye?? (I'd look now and then on sats.) Will try to back track over posts later tonight...
  10. That's not good. I guess it could have been worse, but still not good.
  11. We had one band here in Pinellas County come through today after passing by for many hours offshore; maybe 15 or 20 minutes of sideways rain and winds around 20 mph, but nothing big except the visuals that creates like flooded parking lots and swaying palms that seemed to possibly be exaggerating a little.. Our temperatures around here have been less than the ocean the past two days, so it appears the band came over land and lost its fuel and faded out quickly.
  12. I'd pay to have that job. Who needs food and bills paid anyway.
  13. Can anyone explain this? I suspect a small tornado.
  14. What a fun day here (reading on my iPhone when I could today). Had to actually do work today. (Hate it when that has to happen, especially during a Gulf storm.) So exciting! Almost a hurricane! Fred!!? Really?? 72 mph gust at St George Island, so far the best I've seen from the "new" Fred.
  15. So far the strongest winds seem to be at the West Tampa Buoy which is the convection right now. Note the 11.8 ft waves.
  16. Was just checking the winds up there. Looks like you might take the brunt of the convection.
  17. Fact: The Haiti earthquake was going to happen no matter what at some point. Earthquakes will always happen as the Earth's crust moves. Fact: Hurricanes happen no matter what. Fact: There will always be coincidences of all kinds just by mathematical chance. Coincidences do happen. Fact: No scientific knowledge is ever complete, and it is a flaw in thinking to assume anything else. We learn new things and discoveries are made continually. What we once knew to be a fact, often turns out to be false. Can a hurricane have influence on the timing of an earthquake? Let's ask again in 100 years.
  18. I wouldn't have believed it if I couldn't see it on the visible! LOL Oh well, I have to go to bed. My Sunday fun is over, will be up at 4 and see what is happening.
  19. Can see it on visible a little. SW, wow. https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/?parms=local-Orlando-truecolor-12-1-100-1&checked=latlon-map&colorbar=undefined
  20. Filling Jerry's shoes better than anyone else could. Jerry fumbling a note or two, or forgetting where he was in a song (Telluride '87 comes to mind) was just a part of old Grateful Dead reality and we accepted it. John is young, hopefully stays clean, and a joy to hear and watch tickle the strings.
  21. You know a lot for a hater! LOL Jerry said the Grateful Dead was like licorice. "Some people hate licorice, but people who like licorice, really like licorice." I have tickets to Dead and Company this October, can't wait!
  22. My little arrow was slightly too far right based on the TidBit image. Convection did not wrap around it fully, shear got it.
  23. I think it was for a moment. But I haven't looked at TropicalTidBits and I should learn it better. I spent the afternoon in Photoshop with a grid I made to the 10ths of a degree Lats and Lons trying to map the NOAA LLC points and superimposing sats over it to see what exactly was going on. Hardly a perfect method especially after 30 minutes goes by and longer with the storm moving along.... Nice blowup going on even though surely displaced a bit.
  24. You are the first person I've run into who was at that show. We took Amtrack from Winter Park, CO to Oakland because there was a blizzard coming through. I remember the train inching along at about 10 mph in Nevada because it was something below zero and the track switches were frozen so the train had to go soooo slow. Cars on the icy roads seem to fly past us. Then there was snow over 10 feet deep on Donner's Pass. Oh the green grass at the Kaiser and SF Bay area weather for us mountain people was amazing after six months buried in snow in the Colorado Ski areas (Steamboat Springs was our base). Fun three shows, Mardi Gras night as well. But yea, 880 that we were on around Oakland once we got there pancaked in the earthquake. Scary. We all were shocked when that happened. Glad Phil's bass didn't trigger the earthquake when we were there. (Coming back around to on-topic...)
  25. Loved the Kaiser, a great venue. Yea Hey Jude was a real treat, right out of Dear Mr Fantasy! Take a listen: https://archive.org/details/gd88-03-17.sbd.samaritano.21297.sbeok.shnf/gd1988-03-17d2t10.shn Got goose pimples just now listenting. Fun show. I accidentally did WAY too much. LOL
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