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Everything posted by Prospero

  1. 64 mph gust at Key West Airport at 1:25 am this morning.
  2. I wonder if Ida will be able to maintain a "perfect" eye while in the Gulf. It should, conditions seem right. Yet so many Gulf storms I remember in the past few years have had trouble. If Ida's eye has problems, it would obviously affect peak winds. But what about the rest of the storm? Such as size, surge, and rain? Just wondering...
  3. I guess if the water gets deep they can stack up milk crates to stand on.
  4. We know how well that worked with Katrina.
  5. Several weeks I ago I said Ida would the historic storm of the season. A few days ago I said, "Nah, I don't think so." Well, maybe I was right first, wrong second.
  6. 44 mph gust. Competing with Elsa and Fred.
  7. I was like, WTF is that. Few minutes later was looking up "Milk Crate Challenge" on Google. Yikes!!
  8. I will say I am usually up before dawn and am known to be one the first to drive around checking damage and storm surges. Lucky to have a good friend and client who is a tree service guy. Our home is one of the first on his list for his predawn drive and a few times after storms we are texting at 5:00 am.
  9. Imagine the traffic jam tomorrow night if Ida stays on track and strengthens like the models predict. I wouldn't want to be in that. I'd prefer to be in one of the remaining hotel rooms that people who leave today can get lucky to check into to.
  10. Some of us who live in Hurricane prone areas just chase at home. I expect one day I will be posting the moment by moment videos and pictures until we lose power and internet access. I hope it is not Ida, but so far appears it will not be a Florida Gulf Coast storm.
  11. Wow! First time this year for a tropical storm?
  12. How old are your kids? If it becomes a Cat 5 get your kids outa there! You can stay and report, take videos, and photos.
  13. There is this one model:
  14. Since I don't think it will do much, and not thinking of preparing, a hard turn into Tampa Bay is likely...
  15. @turtlehurricane Yea we in Florida always want that close by pass of the biggest storm. We live for that sometimes! When we posted our predictions I think I said Ida would "the" historic one for this season. But it is earlier than I expected and just don't feel it much. Too fast, still not much to look at, etc. The models show a storm with potential, I see that. Maybe it will ease east and north, or not. I enjoy the anticipation, but not holding my breath for a wild storm-chasing live event. I do suspect I was wrong about Ida being the historic storm of the season though. (But being wrong is something I am used to!)
  16. The New Orleans "Night Tripper" died on Day 157 in 2019 the same day as a good friend of mine who got lung cancer from asbestos on ground zero in NYC helping his city he loved so much after 9/11/01. Maybe he was in “Right Place Wrong Time”. Dr. John is known for loving his city as well. RIP to both.
  17. Ida to hit New Orleans. Watching "Live and Let Die" when I was 13 was memorable for me and my first taste of Tarot. New Orleans was also memorable to me. The three forever intertwined in my mind. Even when Katrina was approaching and pounding NO the concept of 007 and Tarot were in my mind. Curious that my fate so many years later has taken me to learn about Dr John Dee, who Prospero is based on, the "Original OO7".
  18. Perfect! I have been holding back a bit.
  19. So I text my brother this morning In Vermont. "How is Henri up there?" He responds, "Henri is a p****!" and sends this selfie video: part0.mp4 Of course he is either on top of Mt Mansfield or the Camel Hump which he climbs almost daily. LOL EDIT: I added asterisks in his term because neither he or I would want to be offensive. The term he used translates to, "very wimpy." But anyone who did not grow up in the 70's might take it in a different meaning today which does not apply to what he said. I get it, thus the edit. We older people need to be aware of what we say in innocence that is not appropriate anymore. I may even remove the only letter left in his term as it might be too much. Let me know.
  20. We were out almost 3 weeks after Irma. Funny, for us down here in Florida it was the not having A/C that was killing us. Our food in the fridge was gone in 2 or 3 days, we had battery fans and lights, and ate canned food or out anywhere that was open (A/C too). I wonder up north what is the worst issue of no power.
  21. I remember that Josh was "missing" during some storm last year, then popped up with tales to tell later. I could look, but actually still working right now...
  22. Oh yes, I see it is HOT right now. I didn't even think about a New England sub-forum during a Tropical Storm. LOL Look at all those names I've never seen! Might have to jump in just for fun. Or not, I am not seeking for more people to block my posts.
  23. The Low off the Tampa Bay coast has my attention. Texas might be busy. Maybe Josh should rent a place for a month or so in the Yucatan and set up some web cams?
  24. I'm here. But not a Tampa Bay storm just watching mostly. But yea, where are all the "Sandy" people who we are used to seeing post?? Weather Channel is all over it, so it is in public domain getting attention.
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