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Everything posted by Prospero

  1. Looking forward to the perfect eye out there.
  2. If an asteroid splashes into the Gulf of Mexico, I can be to the top of the Skyway bridge in 15 minutes and take live video until it gets washed away. Then someone in Texas can watch it over and over on YouTube...
  3. Water is amazing. Just noticed in your signature: "Only in northern VA can you get 12 inches of snow then 2 days later hit 57 degrees. DAMN ! Then Moderate RAIN that night. DAMN DAMN !!" You should be in Denver or Colorado Springs where it can in the 70's early in the day, get 3 ft of snow in the late afternoon and evening, be near 10 degrees in the morning. Then be back in the 70's two days later.
  4. When I am bored and my wife is snoozing in front of the TV in her easy chair, I grab the remote and play tsunami videos. I have heard that if a major tsunami came to Florida, like if a big part of a particular island off of African fell into the ocean, it could wipe out many cities and towns in Florida. Not a good thought, evacuation would be impossible.
  5. Be sure to watch some tsunami videos on YouTube too.
  6. It is typical for this forum and every other storm forum that I have visited or participated in, that as a big storm approaches the activity is crazy and even hard to keep up with as it approaches. Leave for a couple hours, and hard to catch up. But then, after landfall; smoke a cigarette. The activity is slow. I swear. The excitement of a storm approaching, when will the climax be, where, how "good," etc. Yet really that is the beginning of the story. Yea fun to watch the sats and the chasers, Weather Channel on TV, so on. It is fun, even though we all say how much we care about everyone in the path. For people who do care, the story just begins. And just look at how slow the forum is now. I say most people want death and destruction, even many mets. I get it, kind of, of course. But really we will start to see what Ida did over the next days. And oh my, it was horrible. This is when the forums should be active as well. But I bet my post sits for a while before anyone else even reads it.
  7. Depends on what channel you watch as well. Granted, LA for some people is not important. Especially Cajun Country. For the rest of us, we love shrimp, enjoy when gas prices are reasonable, and actually care about people who are suffering. My Dad just called (86 years old), stressing on politics and far-away places. I said all I was caring about today are the victims of Ida. He didn't even seem to know what I was talking about. He watches a different news channel.
  8. Highest storm surge I ever saw in person and was in St. Pete, FL. I could maybe say that was the beginning of my storm passion. But there was some storm in Charleston SC when I was 6 or 7 (1966 or 67) that went by and was exciting. Just an outer band I guess. But I remember our lawn furniture flying away and our backyard becoming a lake, trees down, etc.
  9. I know when sometimes not following a thread, it is easy to miss cool videos posted. So for anyone missing yesterday, I'll post again. This clip with a before/after shows what an Ida storm storm surge was doing on Grand Isle while many of us were engaged. I am still impressed. Wow!
  10. My first thought is that a lot of people complain about the building codes and regulations since Andrew in Florida, or Katrina in LA. If Ida hit 20 years ago we'd see flattened landscapes. But now roofs don't blow away like they used to. Once a roof is gone, wall just fall over and twist until they tumble. Structures hold up better today. But still the costs will be passed onto insurance companies this week and we will definitely be hearing numbers that will put Ida into a historic cost hurricane forever.
  11. Yes, and some need a break. But after EVERY storm the forums somewhat die off very quickly. If landfall was a let done it is over. But for us on Sunday watching the live iPhone/Galaxy cam on Grand Isle, it was thrilling even though at a 5KB upload so pixelated. But what fun! Every storm needs at least that. My wife was yelling at me to turn down the volume. But I refused. (Brave of me, but hey it was a Hurricane!) I'll catch up tonight since my early this morning scan of posts...
  12. On one hand I am sorry I missed all the fun. But on the other hand I am glad I was sound asleep. LOL
  13. Actually there is quite a bit to see on the web.
  14. I found a few more screenshots here:
  15. I was asleep and missed out on all the "excitement" from this guy. I did find a scheenshot of a few of his posts, but it appears everything has been deleted regarding whatever happened or he claimed to be happening. I saw a few of his videos yesterday but never knew of him before Saturday. Curious what the scenario was anyway if anybody knows.
  16. Here is that same dock with a before/after series. Wow!! Just to have a frame of reference on what we are looking at.
  17. That is one of the reasons why I sell security systems as a side gig. You cannot count on an internet connection for security cameras, you need a DVR/NVR that records. Most DVRs and NVRs have internet access, but keep recording even without power or internet if on a battery back up system.
  18. Outdoor IP security cameras are built to survive bad weather if installed and mounted properly. Most are also on battery backup so keep recording for several hours after the power goes out. I'm sure we'll be seeing some really amazing security camera footage as people get back to their homes and businesses over the next few days.
  19. This clip appears to be the same dock:
  20. Might be hard to guess the wind speed, but the video was in the Cat 4 zone.
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