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Everything posted by Prospero

  1. Good call, @SnowenOutThere when very few of us were paying attention. Go Mindy!!
  2. I will. My best fried is named Larry. He lives in the SF Bay Area and we talked on the phone yesterday about many things. Then he asked me if I knew the name of the hurricane going on. LOL I knew long before he had even heard of it. "Of course I know, I follow storms." Funny he is on a four layover flight from SF to visit his family in NYC right now. I hope he gets some rain or some kind of weather from Larry while he is there.
  3. Aren't you like a teenager kid who likes storms? Maybe 1/4 of my age? You have earned my respect, look forward to being near 100 years old watching you on 3D virtual reality whatever the medium is in 30 years with global live radar and crazy graphics and forecasting models that are accurate 10 to 14 days out! A holographic of whoever you are pointing to the same quality in stunning presentations of the current storms. Hopefully the live cam we were all addicted to during Ida is only the beginning of what we can see one day live in 3D with full sound where no chaser should ever attempt. Anyway had a big meeting with one of my main clients on Clearwater Beach today planning photo shoots of their vacation condos. The weather coming up over the next few days will not be conducive for shooting, so mid-next week if all goes well. But we kicked around what this system might do. No major fears, but also we all are ready for more than just rain, just in case. We are all watching.
  4. Curious what the models will do with 91L now that it appears to be in the Gulf with some convection. Just waiting for the 18Z to load up... Edit: Maybe nothing.
  5. Some serious powerful energy going on in there.
  6. Things really dry up around here between now and November when cold fronts start coming down, except for the occasional tropical systems. We'll take the rain for sure. We also know that this is the time of year when surprises happen over the Gulf, so anything that is worthy of tracking is worthy of watching carefully. Sometimes systems just pop up almost overnight and get a name in 24 to 48 hours in September and October.
  7. Interesting observation. I'll be watching much more closely... The forecast has definitely shifted east since I last looked and Tampa Bay is right on the edge of the yellow blob.
  8. I'm highly entertained. Especially being out over the open ocean. Still, to me, not like the eyes we watched approaching the Yucatan last year. But still impressive even with Larry's occasional eye flaws.
  9. That reminded me of a "rare and different tune", Terrapin Station. Then it hit me that if Larry was cruising along to a song, it would be that song -- growing, spinning, never ending.... While crickets and cicadas sing a rare and different tune Terrapin station In the shadow of the moon, terrapin station And I know we'll be there soon, terrapin I can't figure out, terrapin if it's the end or beginning, terrapin But the train's put it's brakes on, terrapin And the whistle is screaming, terrapin
  10. Oh the frustration of living in the year 2021 when global 3D radar is still yet to be developed. Maybe in ten years we'll watch live radar anywhere on the planet.
  11. Like a small wound to Larry's eye. Filling in already, but weird. OK, I'm not supposed to say anything, but I "hear" dropping high CBD hemp seeds into a hurricane eye can throw it off. I guess the eye relaxes. They tried high THC but the effects it made the eye tighter and turned it red. Can't remember if it is Russia, China, or Jamaica. Whoever, maybe they are playing with Larry? Damn long flight though from anywhere.
  12. yea, weird. The 96 frame IR clip shows it.
  13. I suspect it is not as clear as it appears, the visible just earlier with the sun was less clear. But it sure looks clear, doesn't it?
  14. Wow, looks even better after the sun set.
  15. Another monster in the Gulf this season is probably more likely than not, regardless of the models. NOAA has earned my respect the past few years, so seeing a lemon is more interesting than models. I do love the models too, but sometimes they have to catch up to NOAA. And as we know, countless Cat 3-5 storms the models predict 10 days out never materialize.
  16. Watching the Major for entertainment, watching the lemon for other obvious concerns. But hey, what is a 30% chance in the big scheme of things...
  17. Love a fish spinner on a Saturday afternoon. Hoping it stays as such, but fun for now.
  18. I am definitely a strong believer that we are amplifying the changes. I said, "But maybe the climate is changing anyway as it always has." But I don't believe it. I was just pondering what might happen if the planet starts to need more than hurricanes to self-regulate it's ocean temperature. Maybe more science fiction that reality, but maybe not.
  19. Climate change is real. Too much scientific evidence to support that anthropogenic influences are leading to events being amplified. I was a skeptic for a while. However, let me stress that simply picking a single event on the whim and blaming climate change is unwise and not very scientific. Plenty of bad tropical cyclones made impacts prior to the onset of anthropogenic influence upon the atmosphere. If anything, blatant blaming this or that without regard dilutes the message without evidence to support claims. You cannot merely state that Ida would not have occurred without climate change and not be undermined by historical TC landfalls. It is possible or at least more believing that climate extremes may lead to more frequency or stronger systems now, but it's why scientists do research. But you cannot just wave a magic wand however and erase the similar events that occurred 100 years ago. Climates have been changing since the beginning of our planet. Obviously what we are doing as a species has some kind of effect on our environment. We know we can kill a river or lake very quickly, etc. We cut down forests and plant fields. We cut into mountains and build roads. We build large cities. We definitely change the atmosphere on some level. But maybe the climate is changing anyway as it always has. I get curious, if the oceans keep heating up and hurricanes become less effective at cooling them down, what happens? More storms, bigger storms, so on at first. But I suppose a hurricane can only become so big or so powerful. I wonder if on the Earth over the past billions of years there were storms more powerful than hurricanes. What would they be like? A Jupiter like storm maybe?
  20. I never know what to think. Familiar name, been here as long as I have been. Knows more than me on met stuff. Like a family member at a big table at a reunion and not sure if what he is saying is real or important, or maybe the beer speaking. But who I am to say. I don't know. I read it all when I am here catching up. Can I have another beer...
  21. I thought it would be "more perfect" by now. Still impressive though.
  22. Larry the Fish Larry the Fish is an anglerfish who is a character in The Animal Show. He appeared in the episode "Fish" where he tells Stinky the Skunk and Jake the Polar Bear all about fish. Stinky named most of the possible fish that Larry states exist until it came to the part where Stinky asks him if there was a "skunkfish" to which Larry states that there aren't any. By the end of the episode, Stinky dresses up in scuba gear and passes himself off as a skunkfish in order to make Larry feel better.
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