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Everything posted by mdhokie

  1. Great pic. I have to laugh at your "maximize snowfall" comment though. Please don't pull a Ji if you only get 7 feet of snow instead of 8.
  2. Lots of rain and mud in western md... No snow on the backend, surprise!
  3. Yea, just a typical February day in the mountains.. 1-2 inches... OF RAIN! But hey, maybe the inch of snow will cover up the frozen mud for a couple hours.
  4. Yea I seemed to really notice it after all the snow melted from the week or so of winter we had in January. Wasn't ready to start killing weeds this early.
  5. Is the heat wave located anywhere near where they are dumping all the radioactive water into the ocean?
  6. Anyone else notice chickweed is basically year round now?
  7. Tell him thanks for keeping the lifts spinning! All the employees are really friendly. Wish the management was a little better and they invested more into the infrastructure.
  8. Hopefully the new ownership can figure out how to negotiate streaming rights so I can actually watch baseball this year.
  9. About 2" of snow in Deep Creek, made for some fun skiing. Looking at the forecast temps this might be the last good weekend to ski.
  10. Thanks, and hope your knee rehab goes well! Jay Peak is part of the Wisp group so our passes work up there. We did early April last year and had fun. Most glades were closed but it was still better than anything around here. Makes sense on the conditions, either we root for a mid March snow bomb or warm. Just not torch! I was getting freaked out by the warmth and big rains being shown, but the latest GFS is a lot less torchy.
  11. Same, I'll be up Sat/Sun. Saturday night looks promising, if they are still attempting to make snow. Not sure how many more weekends they can hold on for.
  12. Is the cold air gone for good? I booked a spring break ski trip to upstate Vermont and its starting to look like a fail of a trip .
  13. The face was amazing and most trails were generally better than last weekend. That being said, it looks like they are ready to pack it in on North Camp. The top of chair 7 isn't going to last long during the next warm up and they only had a couple snow guns going for some reason. Whipsaw and over the edge had zero snowmaking along with little dipper, assuming those aren't reopening this season. East Ridge is day skiing only and probably no more snowmaking. A pipe burst and shorted out the lights on mainstreet so east ridge is day time only now. I got 8 runs in from 5pm - 7pm. I usually do nights during the weekends and then Sunday or Monday day since all the riff raff clears out early at the end of the weekend
  14. People still posting euro weeklies.... I get looking at the ensembles, and honestly they had the general wave pattern... But the weeklies are basically like looking at a magic 8 ball and asking it for guidance.
  15. 2.5" and coming down good... that back edge seems to be racing east though.
  16. I'm waxing my skis and sharpening up my shovel! Maybe a jebwalk tonight!
  17. I'm skiing this weekend, hopefully it will cover up the brown mud from the melted 5" on Monday and the rain we are gonna get tomorrow.
  18. Howard County went with a delay for wet roads. These days if the roads are wet they close schools.
  19. They should probably send out red alerts every time the roads have moisture on them.
  20. Beautiful out at Deep Creek, but yea probably only 3 slushy inches. Under the pines is bare ground.
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