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Everything posted by mdhokie

  1. Low of 48 in Western MD this morning felt brisk, high of 73 for a 25 degree swing which felt hot in the sun. We maxed out at 86 on the way home just outside of Hagerstown. Stopped in Cumberland for some ice cream and the hot wind felt odd. Kinda reminded me of Vegas or Arizona, hot dry wind.
  2. Groundhog day out in western md... Friends who live in Western PA say they've had real bad flooding.
  3. Whats causing this pattern of monster lows coming up through the great lakes and sitting there spinning? Seems like this is the 3rd or 4th one in a row.
  4. Short term bust at least out in in western md. Had showers in the forecast mon-wed and we got maybe 10 drops. I'm not complaining!
  5. Weather since the early March warmup has been pretty blah. Can't seem to string together a stretch without inches of rain. Keep rescheduling softball practices but even when its not raining the fields are water logged. Don't see much relief in the extended, maybe May? What do our long range gurus think?
  6. Its warm when the sun is out, chilly when the clouds roll in with the stiff breeze. Been layering on and off while moving mulch and cleaning up the yard. Soil is plenty soft and easy to dig!
  7. Rent/borrow a boat and bring it up to lake Champlain. That or 4x4 through the mud up in caribou.
  8. I just got back from Northern VT and the eclipse was the top story on the local news every day. They are bracing for armageddon from the sounds of it. Local sheriffs declaring disaster areas etc. Burlington looked like a cool town and we had some good food there as we drove back to MD.
  9. Right, a week ago looked like the coming week was gonna be dry, now we might get another inch or two of rain. Also might be a pattern reload mid month with more below normal temps. Im done with this weather but know I cant change it!
  10. I woke up last night and it sounded like i was in the Caribbean or Hawaii with the way the rain was coming down so hard. Driving home from Garrett now and its been a foggy rainy slog. Need some sun asap.
  11. Yea this pattern blows. Doesn't look like we shake it anytime soon either. Next week was looking nice and dry a couple days ago, now its wet again. Booourns.
  12. Hard pass. This seems to be a reoccurring theme around here, the pattern we want in jan/feb shows up in march/april. I
  13. I know.. trying to finish up a construction project and seems like we can't string together more than a day or two without rain. Whats the longer guidance showing for April precip?
  14. Stuff that is sitting in baltimore will be unloaded and trucked/trained to another port. Stuff that is sitting in the bay waiting to unload will be redirected to another port. Sure, there will be delays but its not hair on fire. Unloading all the stuck cargo should keep most people employed until they can reopen the channel. Reopening 695 will take the longest but therea the tunnels and the west side of 695. Again, inconvenient but not end of the world. New span will most likely be a suspension design with the tower supports far away from the deep main channel such that any large ship would run aground prior to impact. If you want to show anything for those that perished in this disaster.. SLOW DOWN the next time you are driving through a work zone.
  15. Deck pic from Jay peak, VT. Only a couple feet.
  16. Much appreciated! We'll be coming up via i91. I'll keep an eye on reports Sat evening and make the call. Stoked to see some real snow after a pretty crummy winter season!
  17. Hey everyone - I'm heading up to Jay Sunday for what looks to be some really good skiing. Was wondering how the local roads are after a storm? We won't be getting in until 3-4pm. Was hoping I don't need to swap on the snow tires again. We went up last year and had a blast even though it was warm and rainy. A couple weeks ago I didn't know if there would even be snow left for our trip!
  18. You know what makes softball practice really fun? Gale force winds. The one thing we always seem to overperform in. Wind. Blah.
  19. Hey I had half an inch out in Deep Creek on Tuesday, does that count? You're on the hook for 50 cents!
  20. Anyone that wants to chase, feel free to join me at Jay Peak this coming Sunday . Its the red dot in the 36"+ blob in Vermont.
  21. But the euro p15 shows two feet of snow from Richmond to York! This storm will need a whole new chapter in the KU book.
  22. 3" in Deep Creek, off and on heavy snow showers. Maybe we'll hit 4" by morning.
  23. Yup! I'm headed up that way on the 24th. Hoping for some fresh snow!
  24. Article in the Post about how crappy winter has been in Wisconsin: "Snow and ice are a way of life here. See how a lost winter upended that." https://wapo.st/4bYklyM
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