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Everything posted by mdhokie

  1. Rain held off until 4:30 so it was a productive (sitting on the beach) day. Looking at my webcams deep creek is sunny and the pavement is barely wet in Howard County. Ocean breeze has been great but the morning I golfed inland it was a torch even at 7AM. Even sitting bayside was noticeably warmer/stuffy. Looks like I need to head to the mountains next week to avoid the inferno. Still gonna be 85+ out there but better than 100.
  2. Partly sunny day in ocmd. We have lucked out all week and rain has only come late at night. 10/10 beach week that is unfortunately coming to an end. Dont want to return to the dust bowl heat dome of central MD.
  3. Been comIng to the beach for many years but never experienced fog like this during the day. Is it because of the cool ocean water and hot temps over land? At times it has been super thick i cant even see the ocean from our oceanfront balcony.
  4. Driving to OC it was 90 at 830am crossing into DE. By the time we got to coastal hwy it was 79 with a nice breeze. Would hate to be just inland and roasting.
  5. That sounds like winter where they kept showing a pattern change/ colder temps and the can kept getting kicked.
  6. Just in time for my beach week
  7. It felt great this evening! Much more mountain like than rainforest. Took an evening cruise, was the only boat out in our neck of the woods. Wife had a sweatshirt and blanket haha!
  8. Whole house dehumidifer. I have a super insulated house so the AC doesnt work very hard and run into similar situation. The purpose built ones are made to last unlike the portable dehumidifiers you see at the home improvement store. Ultra Aire 98H by Santa Fe | Whole House Ventilating Dehumidifier (santa-fe-products.com) Obs: Deep creek feels more like a tropical rainforest than the mountains right now. Off and on rain showers and 250% humidity.
  9. They dont even get in trouble for expired tags or tint anymore. Started to see more and more limo tint on front windows and even windshield now! Cant tell if the person has seen you or is looking. Like NJ said, now get off my lawn haha. One reason i love remote work. Not dealing with all the crazies out there.
  10. Everyone trying to hit up the GC buffet for dinner!
  11. The beer is cold and lake water refreshing. Toasty in the sun but only when dry!
  12. Up in NYC for a couple days, car temp hit 95 on the nj turnpike, dropped to 89 when we got close to the water. Central park felt great with the sun going down and an easterly breeze. Fun people watching and kids are having a blast.
  13. Perfect lake weather. Definitely less crowded than the past couple years. There was NO line at Lakeside Creamery in the afternoon and light boat traffic. 73 degree water felt great and refreshing. Being in a wooded area helps big time. Its too bad all modern developers clear cut and replant baby trees.
  14. Gotta pull a George Washington and head out to the mountains! Yesterday was great out here. 80 degrees, slight breeze to temper the suns heat. Crowds werent even that bad, maybe the covid craziness is fading.
  15. Did you make it past short pump yet? Growing up I remember going to Kings Dominion and Busch Gardens multiple times a summer. Never remember terrible traffic. Of course that was 30 years ago. Now I attempt to never go south of DC. This is gonna sound HoCo snobbish, but we never deal with that type of traffic. Maybe 1-2 hours of slowdowns during peak rush hour on 29/95/100, but theres plenty of ways around it. Nova is like one big ball of traffic that lasts hours and hours.
  16. Looking forward to some heat. Pool and lake are kinda chilly right now.
  17. Yet another rainy and humid day in Deep Creek. Its been darn near impossible to get any construction done. We get a couple nice days and then boom everything is mud again. I have dehumidifiers running non stop with new hardwood laid, had to postpone siding install twice. Frustrating. Thought the rain was going to move through this morning but nope, now we have training off and on showers. Edit: ok ok ok I must have complained enough because the sun came out. Still feels like the tropics but at least I can get something done.
  18. GFS flip flopped and kinda looks dry for awhile, which i would love. Im sure it will flip back in 24hrs.
  19. Deluge in Ellicott City, id stay away from the historic area. Surprise surprise, another softball practice cancelled. Kids cant get any consistency.
  20. I'm soaking up the warmth and sunlight before whatever the GFS is showing hits us. Parade of GL lows is replaced by gulf lows?
  21. Definitely good advice. We unfortunately had to cut down some big oaks because they died and now our sunroom is really a SUN room in the afternoon. To the point we are spec'ing out shade material. We have re-planted some trees but I will probably be dead before they get big enough to help. Hopefully they work for the next people that own this house haha.
  22. Long term solution is to add insulation / figure out why that room is so warm. Do you have central AC now? If so, there might be something wrong with the duct supplying that room. Loose fitting, hole in supply pipe, etc. Or it could be an undersized supply. If its undersized your best bet is add insulation. Is there an attic above? Unfortunately I have found very few HVAC contractors that really know how to design/balance a system. The one I used when I built my "better than energystar" house is out of Annapolis and you are probably out of their service range. Short term your best bet is the portable AC units with the two tubes that go into the window opening. If you want to save some $ try FB marketplace (now is probably not the time, fall/winter is best to find deals). I have no answer to the breaking within 2 years other than small appliances are a crap shoot these days. Ive had some break quick and others last. Last option would be to install a dedicated mini split unit for that room. It will be a big upfront cost but should last 10+ years and are very quiet. Again, I would think the insulation / duct troubleshooting would be cheapest/best. MRCOOL DIY 12,000 BTU 1-Ton 1-Zone 22 SEER Ductless Mini-Split AC and Heat Pump with 12K & 25ft Line DIY-12-HP-115C25 - The Home Depot BTW those used to be like $500 before covid..
  23. GL Low after GL Low, sit and spin.
  24. Yea, when we see the sun. The GFS sits a low over us for multiple days of showers and rain. Send that junk up to NE and extend their mud season.
  25. This is bad for those who want normal summer weather right? I could do with a week or two with minimal precip and some toasty temps.
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