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Everything posted by mdhokie

  1. You can order a test for antibodies online now, $170. Requires you to schedule a blood draw at a local testing center. Not taking insurance but accepts HSAs and I'm guessing you could submit bill to insurance for reimbursement. I might do it just to see if I am a silent carrier. Found out through a friend who knows doctors in New Orleans who are using the same test (not through this company). www.healthlabs.com
  2. brief hail storm. was over in about 90 seconds.
  3. lol, when does it get warm? I am closing on a place in a month, hope to change my shelter in place location
  4. Thanks! It has tiny white flowers. Roots are hardy too. Tried to pull it but the roots won't come easy. Digging resulted in too much grass coming up so I stopped. I think it might be this: https://extension.umd.edu/hgic/topics/common-chickweed Do you have a favorite weed killer to use for spot treatment? I did put down a granular pre-emergent a couple weeks ago. Been having a problem with stilt grass here. Pulled most it by hand last year but trying to keep it from coming back.
  5. I'm hoping one of you smart lawn folks can help me identify this weed. It has gone crazy in my yard this year. Haven't seen it until this spring, but its everywhere.
  6. Forecast was for 60 and sunny, complete opposite happened. Cloudy cold day with a wind that makes its feel worse that it really is.
  7. Ha! Same here. Crazy difference once you hit the exit off 68. Still searching for our dream house
  8. 7" on the ground out here in Deep Creek, MD. Amazing it was brown the whole drive up until we were about 20 miles out, crazy micro climate. I picked a good weekend since it rained this past week and looks like rain next week too. I'll enjoy my winter wonder land for a couple days Snow is only a couple hours away if you need your fix!
  9. Stinks to be a local ski resort this year, they can't catch a break. Was going to play hooky next week and get some runs in but its gonna be 60. Looking at the LR I dont see much opportunity to rebuild base before March shut down.
  10. Glad I left the lights up for an extra week! Time to take them down between the washout this coming weekend. Snow stuck to all the trees making it very pretty outside. 2", Just enough snow to sled and make a snowman.
  11. There are two cameras on 340 just on the MD side of the potomac, probably 5 miles apart. One is heavy snow, the other is flurries... ITS COMING!
  12. Drove from Ellicott City to Chevy Chase to Westminster today. Roads all clear, snowpack slowly degraded as I drove south to CC, barely anything around the beltway. Westminster had more coverage but temps were above freezing and surfaces were just wet. Can't believe schools in the area closed. Had just under an inch in EC.
  13. Snowing in Western MD: https://www.railey.com/deep-creek-lake-webcams
  14. Flood warning just issued for the problem areas around Ellicott City/Catonsville. https://forecast.weather.gov/showsigwx.php?warnzone=MDZ506&warncounty=MDC027&firewxzone=MDZ506&local_place1=2 Miles E Ellicott City MD&product1=Flood+Warning&lat=39.2727&lon=-76.7937
  15. This training heavy rain isn't good for downtown ellicott city...
  16. Don't you need moisture for frost? My yard has reached desert status.
  17. Wish that cell in central MD would get a move on or my softball game is gonna be cancelled.
  18. Back in your day every square inch of the metro area wasn't paved over or built on. Much less open space to capture run off these days. No one cares when a field floods.
  19. Few rumbles and some rain just north of 100 in Ellicott City. Amazing how much difference there is across a few miles. Grew up in hickory ridge, will go check it out tomorrow. Any damage up by atholton?
  20. 3k nam showed this a day ago. The line stayed west. I'm ok with that considering the last couple years of flooding in EC.
  21. I got 3" out of the Friday storm and DC basically got nothing, so I dont think thats a good indicator. This storm it just wasn't cold enough and no HP keeping the warm air from filtering in. The GEM really sucked for this storm. It stubbornly kept showing snow even east of 95. The R/S line ended up north of 70. The Euro snow contours were probably the closest to correct, but still needed to shave 2-3" off the totals.
  22. back to -SN. At least its still snow even with the light rates. When is the good stuff supposed to arrive?
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