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Everything posted by mdhokie

  1. Three glaring plays that probably made the difference. 1 - The andrews false start you mentioned. He wasnt even part of the play. Mental mistake. 2 - The center quick snap / false start where it looked like they probably had a TD and at worst a first down. Settled for FG. Mental mistake. 3 - Terrible deep pass on first down. Bad throw on LJ and bad catch attempt on the WR. Also add poor play call when they were leading and driving the ball on the ground. The defense is injured and beat up. That being said they looked really soft at times. Peters has looked terrible last couple games. The 3-n-outs aren't helping them either. I'm not sure if LJ has messed with his head or the coaches have messed with his head. He doesn't look decisive. His mechanics look poor. His running not as crisp. Its a head scratcher for sure.
  2. Wasn't even expecting it. The pines look nice with a coating of white!
  3. I mean, I dont like wearing pants when I go out and about, but I am forced to by the man. The whole resistance to masks is something I will never understand. I think it has become some sort of passive aggressive form of protest, but in this case it is risking lives and adds to the burden on our overworked health care professionals. Whenever I think my life is hard or feel like complaining, I think of all of the people who are going out every day to help others. Their mental and physical health is what concerns me. Anything I can do to help them (ie do as much as possible to stay isolated) I will.
  4. Real time western MD deck pic
  5. With the way things are going they weren't going to meet the <5% positivity or <10 per 100k thresholds anyways. I bought an RV and decided to make the best of the situation. My kids can do school on the road and we can find some outdoor areas to explore. My employer isn't bringing anyone back into the office until at least July 2021.
  6. Crew-1 mission is about to dock with the ISS, pretty cool stuff:
  7. Raked leaves yesterday and by the time I finished the area I started at was already recovered. We have so many I need to do it in batches otherwise its overwhelming.
  8. Ever since the snow Sunday night its been in the 60s in western MD. Perfect hiking and biking weather. I agree it feels odd to have warm temps and low sun angle.
  9. Dropped mine in a ballot box two weeks ago, got an email two days later confirming it was received and valid. Welcome to the future of voting :).
  10. Obligatory deck pic. Currently a flizzard outside.
  11. They changed it to 1-3". I drove out this morning. Hoping for a bust high :).
  12. Headed west just before the rain and had a dry trip to Garrett county. Looking forward to some snow tonight. 30mph gusts and 50 degrees right now though.
  13. There has been rumor of a Lamar injury (groin, leg?) His cuts and fakes have not been as crisp this year. Not sure if its a factor or if its the team drilling into his head "do not run first". They seem to have gotten away from those option hand offs that were so smooth even the cameraman had problems figuring out who had the ball. I liked seeing some of the reverses to our speedsters yesterday. Would like to see more of that and schemes to get them moving quick to the edge. Much like what KC does with Hill in the backfield. Belichick and Gruden have shown the game plan to our kryptonite. It involves a run heavy offense to grind clock and keep Maholmes off the field. Had Cam been healthy I think the Pats win the game last week. On defense we need to stop blitzing every down. So far his weakness has been coverage sacks. KC is good though so we will see how they adjust down the road.
  14. Is this now the crackpot rant thread?
  15. https://www.marylandwx.com/radar-data/ Is a good source for radars and I've been using it since lwx is down.
  16. I heard they are going to take the level down past the lower limit this winter to do some maintenance. Looks like its on the lower end of the band right now: https://safewaters.com/facility/12
  17. If it could avoid the weekend that would be great
  18. The location of the storm in Ellicott City isn't good. Watch out downtown! Currently sunny and 80 in Deep Creek but pouring back home in EC per my webcams.
  19. The rapid tests are only for those showing symptoms, or have a medical need (upcoming surgery etc). Unless you play pro sports you will get the 7-10 business day test
  20. Was in north OC for the week. Wiped down everything in the condo and brought our own linens/pillows. Generally everyone kept to themselves. One huge group of 50-60 people in multiple condos that obviously didnt care. Drinking games, barfing on the beach, etc. Age range from 5-70. We stayed away from them and found a spot that wasn't too crowded and everyone kept their distance. We did carry out at restaurants that we scoped out prior to ordering and appeared to be trying their best to keep things clean and safe. Rode bikes up to Fenwick, lots of people on bunting ave. I took a test prior to going, took 7 days to get (negative) results. The idiots that can't keep low key and isolated are ruining it for everyone.
  21. lol yea, i was thinking about doing some sitting around the firepit, glad I felt lazy and stayed inside! Lights just flickered and we had some thunder.
  22. We actually had a guy with a portable saw mill come by and saw up the last couple trees we had to take down, was a pretty awesome experience. We had a local carpenter build a hutch, shelves and bar table out of it so far. Couple of projects on the plan just haven't had time to think about it. I still have probably 100 or so board feet left from that, so these are gonna end up as firewood. Asked them to cut the trunks into 20" sections so I can split.
  23. Just signed a contract to take down 8 big oak trees, all dead. No one seems to know whats going on with oaks in MD. Theory is a wet 2018 and the drought of last fall really stressed them and disease/insects finish them off. Such a shame. We will re-plant but will never be the same in my lifetime. https://extension.umd.edu/sites/extension.umd.edu/files/_docs/programs/hgic/Non_hgic_pubs/Maryland Pest Alert - Problems on White Oaks.pdf
  24. We closed today, didnt expect to build a fire and watch snow fall on May 8!
  25. We are lucking out for now in MD.. Skies are getting brighter and its warm out.
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