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Everything posted by mdhokie

  1. Hope so! My snowpack has been decimated, only shoveled piles remain.
  2. yea but then you are stuck in harrisburg the other 350 days it doesnt snow.
  3. it isnt just the country rednecks. Ellicott City was blowing up for the past hour.
  4. Well it was Dulles, so that gives it like 5% more credibility
  5. So the models were only 250 miles off from the heavy snow band
  6. Sweet, hope it goes all night. Looks like a bunch of people having fun over at Wisp too!
  7. snow has let up in deep creek, hoping its not a dry slot.
  8. Pouring snow at deep creek and looks to be sleet in Ellicott City.
  9. mod snow in deep creek, freshening up the old snow from monday.
  10. light snow falling at deep creek. watching my pummeling via webcam.
  11. Best mothertuckin kick of the season!
  12. Browns gonna brown, no doubt. Can't believe we had to put up almost 50 to win. Maybe this was the kick in the pants the offense needed. Defense needs to get healthy, our secondary is depleted.
  13. Amen. Putting up Christmas lights I saw all kinds of black grime and mildew stains on my house that I've never seen before. Gonna need to do a deep clean come springtime.
  14. Yea will be interesting to see how coastals do up there. Ive already noticed snow is just easier to come by and it sticks around longer. Scheduled to be back in the area on Sunday, hopefully will be a scenic drive coming from the west. I'll probably be sick of snow by the end of the season... naaaaaaaa!
  15. Does deep creek or back home do better? I'm in Kansas City so will only get to watch on my webcams . Just like the big one in 2016!
  16. unfortunately it might have saved fuentes and screwed us long term. Still hars to compete with Clemson in this conference. On to basketball season
  17. Hokies have been a dumpster fire all season, we must have been saving up for this game
  18. You got a link to that table? Can't find it anywhere on the cdc website...
  19. clown college might use our clown maps
  20. I think there was one of every warning possible during Sandy. WSW out west and hurricane/tornado warnings east.
  21. Praise be, under his eye! Happy Thanksgiving!
  22. We do it so well! A couple of my neighbors blew their leaves into huge piles over the weekend. All their work has been reversed.
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