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Everything posted by mdhokie

  1. 2-4 with 6" possible under a good band. If its lgt-mod snow I wouldn't expect much stickage on pavement. Will be nice to freshen up the snow piles.
  2. I am convinced the brine lobby has swindled our state. The damage to our roads cars and environment isnt worth whatever benefit we are getting from pre treatment.
  3. That and why people need to crap on the local TV mets so much. Unlike our weenie board they have to produce a product for millions of viewers.
  4. king euro is not to be trusted! haha
  5. I think 1918 would be more appropriate considering what we are living through right now
  6. 1/8" ice on top of ~4" snow. Must have been freezing drizzle all night. Glad I didn't shovel yet. The one spot I did was an ice rink. Giving props to LWX crew for the forecast. They had me at 2-4" for Sunday and mentioned 0.1" ice Sunday Night / Monday.
  7. Yea I thought we would do better here, guess not. At least it was enough for the kids to sled and play in. Crazy how it has piled up out there today.
  8. When I saw this was a MIller B, I knew we had big chances at blowing it. Really hope the front end shows up as advertised because I don't put much faith into the coastal. Feel like we have better odds with the gulf low -> tenn valley -> transfer than the ohio valley -> transfer setups. Its obviously a complex setup since models are still all over the place.
  9. Glad you are okay, that sounds terrifying. I know its hard during something like this but try and remember all the details about him and his vehicle. Also if you were driving past any businesses you might want to go back and see if any have security cameras that catch the road. Make sure you note date/time of when you were driving through. The RR crossing might have cameras too from CSX or whoever owns the rails. If you can get a color/make of the vehicle to police they might have an idea of who it is. Usually people like this don't just suddenly fly off the handle and he might have priors, especially if its a rural/small town area.
  10. Doug Kamamamer is gonna go nuts during his spots today on nbc4. You can tell he has been jonesin for a big storm. I wonder if he reads this board?
  11. Looks like a Miller B to me Risk of redevelopment too far NE. I'll take whatever falls and like it. Except if Philly gets more than me... Then I'll be cranky.
  12. Inch or so at Deep Creek. Freshened up the snow piles.
  13. Got another inch or so during the day then turned sunny, perfect for hiking. Basically more snow in a couple days than I've seen over the last several years back in EC. Not looking forward to my trip back on Friday. @WinterWxLuvr Pretty sure this will be sticking around for awhile!
  14. Ended up with 8" here, just flurrying now. It is so light and fluffy. I'm used to central MD cement snow. This sure has been an epic week! We are going to try Wisp tomorrow, hopefully wont be too crowded.
  15. Ripping fatties in western md, probably picked up 2" in the last hour. 4" new on top of the 9" or so from the past couple days. Edit: Deck Pic
  16. Heck yea! This morning was pretty awesome waking up to fresh snow on the ground and then getting a couple hours of good +SN. Its not that cold either, upper 20s / low 30s. We hit up the sledding hill at waterfront greens and now I'm exhausted. Had to pull the kids on sleds back home, they were out of gas. Looks like we are in for another 6-8" through Wednesday. I've only ever experienced this out west where it basically snows off and on all day. Crazy to think just 20 miles east its bare.
  17. Im just south of glendale rd and our cove is frozen. People were out there today ice fishing. Not sure how thick but it felt solid .
  18. lol i just checked my cameras an hour or so ago and there was no coverage. saw the activity here and was surprised to see everything covered again! Coming up tomorrow!
  19. Thoughts on the mountain upslope being shown? Maybe 6-12" by mid week? I'm heading out tomorrow for a week
  20. That thing was awesome. I guess all the old easternus posts are gone? I cant find any mention of the machine in searches. Wonder who ran it.
  21. Heck yea, my snow pack is down to shoveled piles only. Need a good refresher
  22. honestly i thought the account was a grade schooler at first. Finding out its a grown man kinda made the schtick wear off.
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